How to Make Beef Bacon – Kosher Beef Bacon, Corned Beef & Pastrami

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How to Make Beef Bacon - Kosher Beef Bacon, Corned Beef & Pastrami
Recipe type: Curing & Smoking Meats
Beef bacon, corned beef and pastrami are all very similar in the way that they are produced and as a result this episode will cover all 3. The differences between the different meats comes in the way they are finished off and this will be explained as we go.
  • 2.4kg Beef brisket
For the Curing
  • 2lt + 2lt Water
  • 200g Kosher salt
  • 140g Prague powder #2
  • 15ml Garlic powder
  • 4 Bay leaves
  • 15g Whole black pepper corns
  • 10ml Whole juniper berries
  • 90g Brown sugar
  1. To start, we need to measure out the curing ingredients which include kosher salt, black peppercorns, whole juniper berries, bay leaves, garlic powder, and brown sugar.
  2. In a separate bowl measure the Prague powder #2.
  3. Pour 2 liters of water into a pot and all of the spices except for the Prague powder.
  4. Bring this to boil and allow it to simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the pot from the stove and quick chill the brine by floating the pot in a sink of cold water.
  6. Once the brine has cooled significantly, add another 2 liters of water to the brine along with the Prague powder. Stir the brine until the Prague powder has dissolved.
  7. While the brine continues cooling, you can unpack your meat. This is a nice big slab of brisket, or beef belly around 2.4kg in weight.
  8. By this stage the brine has cooled completely. Pour it into a large food safe container and add the brisket.
  9. Due to the high content of salts in the brine, the meat will float. You need to weigh it down beneath the surface of the brine using a bowl or plate.
  10. Put the lid on the container and transfer this to your refrigerator for 7 full days to cure.
  11. After the curing time remove the meat from the brine and wash it thoroughly under cold running water. You will notice how firm the meat is, along with amazing rosy pink tinge that is the hallmark of well-cured meat.
  12. Now, if you want corned beef this is where you will simply simmer the meat in water until the internal temperature reaches 67c or 152f.
  13. For beef bacon and pastrami we're going continue with the process.
  14. Dry the meat using a clean dish towel then place it on a rack in your refrigerator for 24 hours to air dry.
  15. This drying process will make the meat more receptive to the smoking process.
  16. Fire up your smoker. I am using the Smoke Daddy Vortex in this demonstration. I have the extreme left hand burner running to provide heat.
  17. Place the meat on the right hand side away from the direct heat, close the barbecue and allow this to smoke for around 3 hours until the internal temperature of the meat is 67c or 152f.
  18. This will give you beef bacon, at at this stage all you need to do is wrap it and refrigerate it. Although the bacon has technically been pasteurized, it does still require slicing and frying.
  19. All you need to make pastrami is to steam or simmer the meat until the internal temperature reaches 67c or 152f. This steaming is normally only carried out a few days after the smoking process, which allows the smoke to really penetrate the meat.
  20. And there it is, beautiful smoked beef bacon.... one step further than corned beef, and one step short of pastrami.


How to Smoke Peppers – How to Make Smoked Chilli Flakes at Home

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How to Smoke Peppers - How to Make Smoked Chilli Flakes at Home
Recipe type: Smoking / Drying
Smoked chilli flakes add a whole new flavor to your food while also adding the heat. I am using Jalapeños, but you can use and peppers of your choice. To Provide the smoke, I am using the Smoke Daddy Vortex.
  • Jalapeño peppers
  • 20ml Bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 lt Water
  1. Dissolve 20ml of bicarbonate of soda in a liter of cold water. The chillis will be soaked in this solution the preserve their color. Green and red chillis will darken as they smoke and dry, but will retain their characteristic color instead of turning an unsightly black.
  2. To prepare the peppers, cut of the stems and quarter them length-ways. Transfer the peppers to the bicarb solution and allow them to soak for 5 minutes.
  3. Drain the chillis and transfer them to stainless steel mesh sieves or spatter screens.
  4. A while back, I unboxed and introduced the Vortex passive smoke generator. This is what we're using today.
  5. Place the peppers on the right hand side of your barbecue, and the Vortex smoker near the center. Use your blow torch or a heat gun to set the Vortex smoking. In addition ignite the left hand side burner.
  6. Aldo note the probe thermometer on the right hand side. This helps to monitor the target temperature of 67c or 153f.
  7. Let the peppers smoke for a total of 4 hours.
  8. Remove the peppers from the barbecue. You will notice that they have shriveled significantly, but are not totally dried.
  9. At this stage, you can store the chillis in oil, or continue with the drying process by placing the peppers in an oven at 67c or 153f until totally dried. This can take anything from 4 to 10 hours.
  10. Once totally desiccated, chop the chillis into flakes and store indefinitely in an airtight container.


How to Cure, Age and Smoke Bacon at Home – Best Homemade Bacon!!!

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How to Cure, Age and Smoke Bacon at Home - Best Homemade Bacon!!!
Recipe type: Curing and Smoking / Charcuterie
Cuisine: Italian
Bacon is one of the real joys of life. Nothing beats the amazing aroma of bacon sizzling in the pan.... and home-cured bacon takes this to a whole new level. This video will show you how to cure the bacon and smoke the bacon.
  • 2kg Pork loin, bone in, skin on
  • 2lt + 2lt Water
  • 300g Salt
  • 140g Prague powder #2
  • 15ml Garlic Powder
  • 4 Bay Leaves crushed
  • 15g Black Pepper
  1. Measure out the Prague powder, salt, garlic powder, black pepper corns and bay leaves.
  2. Place the black peppercorns into your spice grinder and tear the bay leaves into this.
  3. Process this until reasonably fine. Add this to a pot along with all of the other dry ingredients, excluding the Prague powder.
  4. Pour in 2 liters of hot water. Bring this to a boil, reduce the heat and allow this to simmer for 10 minutes. Quick chill the brine by floating the pot in a sink of cold water, then put this aside.
  5. To prepare the pork loin, we need to debone it and remove the skin. You can also use deboned and skinned pork belly if you prefer.
  6. To skin the pork stand it up on its end and pull the skin back from the top. Use a sharp knife the peel the skin back from the fatty layer, leaving as much fat behind as possible. You can use the skin to make crackling.
  7. To remove the bone, start at the top with your knife, running it down the rack of ribs, using them as a guide for the blade. These ribs still have some meat on them, so save them for the barbecue.
  8. Place the prepared pork loin in a large non-reactive container.
  9. Once the brine has cooled add 2 liters of cold water and the Prague powder and stir this in until completely dissolved.
  10. Pour the curing brine into the container. The pork will float in the brine and you will need to place a bowl or plate on top of it to keep it submerged.
  11. Place the lid on the container and allow this to cure in your refrigerator for 7 days.
  12. After curing, remove the pork from the brine and pat it dry. Place the bacon on a rack over a roasting tin and allow this to air-dry for 5 days in your refrigerator.
  13. After the drying time, this is what you have.... a lovely, rosy pink colored slab of green bacon. This can be consumed as you would any regular bacon, however smoking the bacon really does add the extra dimension to its taste and aroma.
  14. Lift the rack up and balance it across the corners of the pan.
  15. Fire up your smoker and ignite a single burner furthest from where you intend placing the pork. If you're fortunate enough to be using a Smoke Daddy smoke generator, then the smoke will be chugging out in no time, and you can place the pork in the barbecue.
  16. Smoke the bacon for 3 and a half hours until you reach the target internal temperature of 65c or 149f. You will need a probe thermometer to monitor this.
  17. And there we have it. A beautifully cured smoked pork loin just waiting to be sliced and fried to perfection.


Smoked Garlic Powder using Smoke Daddy’s Vortex Smoke Generator

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Smoked Garlic Powder using Smoke Daddy's Vortex Smoke Generator
Recipe type: Smoking
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Okay, we've just had a look at the Smoke Daddy Vortex coming out of the box, now let's give it a test run. To do this, I am going smoke some garlic. Using a bit of heat from the barbecue, I am also going to dry the garlic out, then grind it to a powder.
  • Garlic (at least 2 full heads to make it worth your while)
  1. To start, separate the heads of garlic. There are easier ways to this, but you actually want to remove the skins exactly like this for this procedure.
  2. To skin the cloves, cut the stem end off. Place the clove on the board and crush it by banging the knife blade down on the clove. Grab the pointed end of skin and the entire skin will simply slip off. Transfer the crushed clove to a mesh strainer or a splatter screen.
  3. Place the Vortex near the center of the barbecue. The burner to the left of the Vortex will be the only burner running. Notice my probe thermometer on the right. This will help me monitor my target temperature of 67c or 168f.
  4. Using a blow torch or heat gun ignite the one side of the circle on the Vortex. Swing the unit around 180 degrees and ignite the other side to get the double burn. Depending on your wood pellets, you may have to repeat this a couple of the mesh basket of garlic near the thermometer, ignite the left-hand burner, close the lid, and you're on your way.
  5. Set a timer for 4 hours to time the process.
  6. After 4 hours, remove the garlic from the barbecue. It will be lovely and golden, with an aroma from heaven. Most of the garlic will be pretty dry by this stage, however, some of the thicker bit might still be a bit spongy. Pop this into your oven at 67c or 168f with the door slightly open and continue to desiccate the garlic until completely dry.
  7. Run the dried garlic bits in your spice grinder for a few seconds to reduce it to a powder.
  8. And here is all that is left of the pellets in the Vortex.... just a little clean ash. Simply empty this out, give the unit a rinse, and it's as good as new.


Product Review – The Smoke Daddy Vortex Smoke Generator – New Passive Smoke Generator from Smoke Daddy!!!

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6 months ago I introduced an incredible product from Smoke Daddy, the cold smoke generator. They have now come up with a passive smoker unit called the Vortex. Mine has just arrived, so let’s have a look.

Before we continue, you can get more details on the Vortex by clicking the onscreen link.

The unit comes in a sturdy full color printed box, ensuring it will arrive undamaged. It sates clearly on the top that unit can be used for hot and cold smoking, and that it can be used with any existing closed barbecue grill. Very importantly, like all of their other equipment, it is 100% made in the USA.

Opening the box reveals the Vortex. But before we get onto that, all of the instructions are included in detail inside the lid.

The instructions explain clearly how to set the unit up to prove smoke for anything from 2 hours to 10 hours of smoke. In addition, how to ignite the unit to get it smoking.

Looking at the Vortex, it is manufactured from a really heavy gauge stainless steel mesh with a solid stainless steel surround and just from the feel of it, you know the Vortex means business.

On one side, there is a large indented circle for longer smoking times, and on the reverse side a smaller indented circle for shorter smoking times. These circles are filled with wood pellets which are then ignited. The flame-less burn proves the smoke required, while not affecting the temperature in the smoking enclosure. This makes the Vortex ideal for hot or cold smoking.

In the second part of this un-boxing video, I will be making smoked garlic powder to demonstrate the capabilities of the Vortex. I need 4 hours of smoke so I am filling the large circle with pellets. To get just 4 hours, I am going to ignite both sides of the circle and ignition points will burn towards one another. This will actually give me about 6 hours of smoke, but there is bit of breeze today, so I am playing it safe. If I only lit one side, I would get up to 10 hours of smoke. Using the smaller circle on the reverse side, I would get 2 hours from a double ignition, or 4 hours from a single ignition.

These are regular wood pellets from local supplier, however you can get wood pellets directly from Smoke Daddy as well. The original Smoke Daddy pellets contain a little charcoal as well aiding the burn, and giving a better smoke ring. I will also be testing the Vortex with fine wood chips to see if these will work.

Stay tuned for the next episode when we fire this baby up.


How to Make Little Smokey Frankfurters from Start to Finish – How to Make & Smoke Mini-Frankfurter Sausages!!!

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How to Make Little Smokey Frankfurters from Start to Finish - How to Make & Smoke Mini-Frankfurter Sausages!!!
Recipe type: Sausage
These little smoked cocktail frankfurters are amazing, and really easy to make. I am using trimmings from a whole ribeye roast, but you can use rump or sirloin as well, provided the the fat content is 25%. If you use a leaner cut, add the balance in pork back fat. You can find the printable recipe on our website This is episode #375 with - please subscribe for notifications and updates.
  • 1.8kg Beef, 25% Fat
  • 200ml Milk powder
  • 1 medium onion
  • 3 Cloves garlic
  • 120ml Paprika
  • 36g Prague powder
  • 20g Kosher salt
  • 360ml Water, well chilled
  1. Cut the meat into pieces that will fit through the feeder tube of your mincer. Cut a medium onion, peel 3 cloves of garlic, measure out the Prague powder and salt, as well as the milk powder and paprika. Use a good quality paprika as the success of this endeavor hinges on this.
  2. Place the meat in your freezer for 15 minutes, then run this through your mincer using the coarse mincer plate. Return the meat to the freezer for 15 minutes.
  3. Run the onion and garlic through the mincer and place this in your refrigerator.
  4. Combine the paprika, milk powder, Prague powder and salt. Mix this together thoroughly.
  5. Remove the meat from the freezer and place it in a large tub. Add the minced garlic and onion, and the paprika mixture. Mix this all together thoroughly.
  6. Run the beef through the mincer again, this time using the medium plate. Return the meat to the freezer for 25 minutes.
  7. After the chilling time place the meat back into the tub. At this stage the meat, despite being chilled is quite sticky and needs to be tempered by adding water. You need to add 20% of the meat weight in water in order to make it workable, and to make sure it will run through the sausage stuffer smoothly.
  8. Run the meat through the mincer again, this time using the fine plate.
  9. Load the finely minced meat into the hopper of the sausage stuffer.
  10. I am pumping this into 18mm collagen casings and to do this I have the 12mm funnel attached to the stuffer.
  11. Place the hopper on the stuffer and turn the crank until the filling reaches the end of the funnel. Load the casing onto the funnel, twist the end and start cranking.
  12. When making the mini franks, it is much easy to twist off the links progressively. If you extrude the entire length, you stand a good chance of ending up with over-filled casings that are difficult, or impossible to crimp and form links.
  13. Once all of the links are filled and formed, it's time for the smoker. I am using the Smoke Daddy Cold Smoke Generator attached to my regular gas barbecue.
  14. Fire up the smoker and arrange the sausages on racks, or hang them from the warming rack. The sausages must not be touching. Ignite a single burner furthest from the sausage, close the lid and allow the sausages to smoke for 2.5 to 3 hours. The barbecue thermometer should read 80c or 176f, and the target internal temperature of the sausages is 65c or 149f.
  15. Once smoking is complete, remove the sausages from the barbecue. These are only partially cooked and require cooking to completion, either by boiling, broiling or gently frying them to perfection.


Smoked Chicken Breasts – Cured and Smoked Chicken Breast Cold Cuts – How to Smoke Chicken Breast

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Smoked Chicken Breasts - Cured and Smoked Chicken Breast Cold Cuts - How to Smoke Chicken Breast
Recipe type: Chicken / Smoked
This is part 10 of our short course on smoking and curing meats. Today we're curing and smoking chicken breast for use as cold cuts.
  • 8-16 Skinless, boneless chicken breasts
For the Brine
  • 5lt Water
  • 12.5g Saltpetre
  • 60g Sugar
  • 300g Salt (Kosher or dairy or rock salt)
  • 30g Black pepper corns
  • 10g Whole allspice
  • 45g Whole or ground coriander seed
  • 50ml Bicarbonate of soda
  1. To cure the chicken, pour 5 liters of water into a large non-reactive pot. Add the saltpetre, sugar, salt, black pepper corns, whole allspice, coriander and bicarbonate of soda.
  2. Bring this to a boil, lower the heat and allow this to simmer for 10 minutes. Quick-chill the brine by floating it in a sink of cold water.
  3. Pour the solution into a large non-reactive container. Use a ladle to remove about 250ml of the liquid and pour this through a fine filter.
  4. Use your brining syringe to inject the filtered brine into the chicken breasts. Insert the needle all the way into the breasts from the thick end. Slowly remove the needle as you expel the liquid. Inject each breast 3 times.
  5. Place the breasts in the remaining brine, put the lid on the container and let this cure for 12 hours in your refrigerator. If you have not injected the breasts, allow the chicken to cure for a full 24 hours in your refrigerator.
  6. The following day, remove the breasts from the curing brine and pat them dry using clean dish cloths.
  7. Transfer the breasts to stainless wire racks.
  8. Fire up your cold smoker with apple wood chips. For the first 30 minutes we are cold smoking the chicken, so none of the barbecue burners will be lit.
  9. Place the chicken in the barbecue and allow these to smoke for 30 minutes.
  10. After 30 minutes, ignite the burner furthest from the chicken and raise the temperature in the barbecue to 110c or 230f.
  11. Insert your probe thermometer into the center of the thickest breast, close the lid and allow the chicken to smoke for 2 to 2.5 hours until the internal temperature reaches 79c or 174f.
  12. Remove the chicken from the barbecue and allow it to cool completely before vacuum packing for storage in your refrigerator or freezer.


Pressed & Smoked Ham – Making Cold Cuts at Home – Homemade Ham Loaf

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Pressed & Smoked Ham - Making Cold Cuts at Home - Homemade Ham Loaf
Recipe type: Cold Meats / Cold Cuts / Cold Smoking
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Today we're going to make a pressed ham, then cook it gently in water bath before drying and cold smoking it with the Smoke Daddy cold smoke generator.
  • 1.4kg Relatively lean pork (shoulder or rump)
  • 20g Non-iodated salt (or 40g for a stronger ham)
  • 3g Potassium nitrate saltpetre)
  • 2.5ml Ground white pepper
  • 2.5ml Ground nutmeg
  • 2.5ml Sugar
  • 2.5ml Garlic powder
  • 80ml Water
  1. To prepare the meat cut it into cubes of around an inch in size. This is 1.4kg of relatively lean pork shoulder. I have separated it into 2 lots.... 1 kg and 400 grams.
  2. Run the 400g batch through your mincer using the fine mincing plate.
  3. Place all of the meat and mince in your food mixer bowl. Add the salt and saltpetre, then the sugar, garlic powder, white pepper and ground nutmeg. Pour in the water.
  4. Put the bowl on the mixer and using the kneading hooks, knead the meat continuously for 10 minutes. This liberates protein from the meat, causing it to start emulsifying. This action along with the salt and heat is what combines the meat into a homogenous block of meat.
  5. Once you've finished kneading the meat you will notice just how sticky it has become. Cover the bowl with cling-wrap and place this in your refrigerator for a full 48 hours to cure.
  6. Once the pork has cured, load the meat into the ham press. Put the pressing plate in place and secure the lid. Press the thermometer through the lid into the center of the pork.
  7. Place the pot in a water bath at 80c or 175f for about 2 hours until the internal temperature of the ham is 80c or 175f.
  8. To achieve this you can use an induction cooker with digital temperature control, or what I have heat is an electronic pressure cooker with temperature control.
  9. Once the internal temperature of the ham has reached 80c or 175f, remove the pot from the bath and remove the meat from the cylinder.
  10. And there it is, a beautifully firm pressed ham. This is ready to eat as is, and is absolutely amazing, but we're going to take it a step further.
  11. Place the ham on a clean dish cloth and dry all of the surface.
  12. Place the ham on a rack in a pan and allow this to air-dry for about 6 hours in your refrigerator.
  13. After the drying time, lift the rack up and balance it diagonally across the corners of the pan.
  14. Fire up the cold smoke generator and place the ham in the barbecue. Remember that we're cold smoking.... there is not heat applied and none of the burners are running.
  15. As far as smoking time goes, you can smoke from 90 minutes to 18 hours, depending on how strong you want the smoking flavor. I am running smoke for 90 minutes using a mild flavor cherry wood chip.
  16. Once smoking is complete, remove the ham from the smoker and package it whole or slice and package before refrigerating.


Smoked Lemon & Herb Lamb Chops. Marinated Lemon & Herb Lamb Cutlets Hot-Smoked to Perfection!!!

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Smoked Lemon & Herb Lamb Chops. Marinated Lemon & Herb Lamb Cutlets Hot-Smoked to Perfection!!!
Recipe type: Lamb / Smoking / Barbecue
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 2-4
In todays episode, part 9 of the series on smoking and curing foods, I am using the Smokedaddy cold smoke generator attached to a regular closed gas barbecue to hot smoke a batch of delectable lamb loin chops.
  • 8 Lamb loin chops
  • 60ml Oil
  • Juice of 1 medium lemon
  • Zest of 1 medium lemon
  • 2.5ml Garlic powder
  • 1.25ml Salt
  • 1.25ml Dry basil
  • 1.25ml Dry rosemary
  • Generous grind of cracked black pepper
  1. To start, combine the oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic powder, salt, dried basil and dried rosemary in a jug.
  2. Whisk these vigorously until the mixture is totally emulsified.
  3. Grind in a generous dose of cracked black pepper and your ready to go.
  4. Arranger your lamb loin cuts in a pan and pour the marinade over the lamb. Spread it out evenly to ensure the meat is totally covered. Place the pan in your refrigerator for 4 hours.
  5. Turn the meat over half-way through this time.
  6. After marinating, remove the chops from your the refrigerator.
  7. Lift half of the chops up onto their fatty edge and drive 2 skewers through the chops just above the fatty strip. Repeat this with the remaining chops.
  8. Heat your barbecue to medium high and get the smoke generator running. Within a few minutes the smoke will be billowing out and you can place the lamb fatty side down in the barbecue.
  9. Close the lid and allow the fatty strip to cook for 6 to 8 minutes.
  10. Open the barbecue, remove the skewers from the meat, lie the the chops on their sides and continue to barbecue for 4 to 6 minutes per side (with the barbecue lid closed), depending on your preference of doneness.
  11. Transfer the lamb to platters and serve immediately with the accompaniments of your choice.


Cold Smoked Rump Steak – Cold Smoked Then Grilled to Tasty Perfection!!! Part 8 Smoking & Curing

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Cold Smoked Rump Steak - Cold Smoked Then Grilled to Tasty Perfection!!! Part 9 Smoking & Curing
Recipe type: Steak / Smoking / Barbecue
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 4
The concept of this recipe was passed on to me by Dennis Correa, the owner of Smoke Daddy. To cold smoke these steaks, I am using the Smoke Daddy cold smoke generator which has proved to be absolutely amazing throughout this series.
  • 4 x 250g Rump steaks
  • 60ml Demarara or treacle sugar
  • 15ml Himalayan rock salt
  • 15ml Cracked black pepper
  1. Pat the steaks dry using kitchen paper.
  2. Transfer the steaks to a rack that has been positioned at an angle over a drip pan.
  3. Fire up your cold smoker. I am using hickory chips which produce a strong, thick smoke, but you can use any flavor of your choice.
  4. After a minute or 2, the smoke generator will be pumping out loads of smoke. Place the steaks in the barbecue and allow them to smoke for 45 minutes.
  5. Remove the steaks from the smoker and wrap them individually in cling-wrap. Allow these to stand at room temperature for a further 45 minutes.
  6. To make the rub, combine the Demerara sugar with the Himalayan rock salt and the cracked black pepper.
  7. Sprinkle the mixture onto both sides of the steaks and use the back of a spoon to polish the rub into the surface of the meat.
  8. Heat a ribbed skillet over high heat and grill the steaks to your preference of doneness. Remove the steaks from the grill and allow them to rest for 5 minutes before serving with the accompaniments of your choice.


Gourmet Cold-Smoked Baby Sole – How to Make Cold-Smoked Sole with Smoke Daddy Cold Smoke Generator.

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Gourmet Cold-Smoked Baby Sole - How to Make Cold-Smoked Sole with Smoke Daddy Cold Smoke Generator.
Recipe type: Seafood / Fish / Smoking
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 2
In today's episode we're going to use the Smoke Daddy cold smoke generator to flavor a batch of baby sole. The fish is first cold smoked, then pan-fried to perfection resulting in a truly gourmet fish dish subtly infused with apple wood smoke.
  • 4 Baby sole (approx 130g each)
  • 60g Butter
  • 5ml Herbs provence herb mix
  • 2.5ml Garlic powder
  • 30g Butter for frying
  • Apple wood chips
  1. To start, place the butter, garlic powder and dried herbs in a heatproof bowl. Pop this in your microwave oven and melt the butter.
  2. Pat the sole dry with kitchen paper.
  3. Place a rack at an angle across the corners of a roasting pan, and transfer the sole to the rack. Brush both sides of the sole with the butter mixture.
  4. Fire up your cold smoke generator and place the fish in the barbecue. Allow this to smoke for 45 minutes.
  5. After 45 minutes remove the sole from the barbecue. Heat a pan over medium high heat and add 30g of butter. Fry the sole for 2 to 3 minutes per side.
  6. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  7. Transfer the sole sole to serving platters and top with a little of the pan butter and lemon or lime wedges before serving with accompaniments of your choice.


Thanksgiving Smoked Turkey – Part 6 of Smoking & Curing Foods with Smoke Daddy – How to Smoke a Turkey.

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Thanksgiving Smoked Turkey - Part 6 of Smoking & Curing Foods with Smoke Daddy - How to Smoke a Turkey.
Recipe type: Smoking / Turkey / Poultry
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 6-8
Hi and welcome to part 6 of our series on smoking and curing foods. With Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday and in just over a month in the US, today's episode covers curing a smoking a delicious Thanksgiving turkey.
  • 1 x 5-6lb Turkey (2.5kg - 2.8kg)
For the Curing Brine
  • 5lt Water
  • 15g Saltpetre
  • 100g Sugar
  • 200g Salt
  • 30ml Black peppercorns
  • 30ml Whole allspice
  • 10ml Ground ginger
  • 25ml Bicarbonate of soda
For the Basting / Mop
  • 100ml Honey
  • 40ml Lemon Juice
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • 10ml Lemon pepper
  • 15ml Garlic powder
  • 5ml Cayenne pepper
  • Smoked salt
  1. For the curing brine combine the saltpetre, sugar, salt, black peppercorns, whole allspice, ginger and bicarbonate of soda and pour these into a pot along with 5 liters of water.
  2. Bring the pot to a boil, reduce the heat and allow this to simmer for 30 minutes. Quick chill the pot by floating it in cold water in your sink.
  3. To prepare the turkey, trim away any excess skin and fat from the neck and butt. Removing the tail is a matter of personal preference.
  4. Use a sharp knife to cut through the skin and flesh along the breast bone. Cut through the breast bone with your kitchen shears.
  5. Open up the bird, flip it over and dislocate the pelvis with a sharp downward thrust. This allows the bird to lie flat. Removing the wing tips is also a matter of personal preference, however I do recommend this.
  6. Transfer the turkey skin side up to a large food-safe non-reactive container. Pour the cooled brine into the container.
  7. Place a weight on top of the turkey to keep it fully submerged in the solution.
  8. Place the container in your refrigerator and allow it to cure for 48 hours.
  9. After curing, you will need to make the basting. Combine the lemon juice and honey. Take the lemon pepper, garlic powder, cayenne pepper and lemon zest and add these to the honey and lemon juice. Mix these until totally combined.
  10. You will also need smoked salt to grind over the turkey once it has been basted.
  11. Remove the turkey from the curing brine and pat both sides dry using kitchen paper.
  12. Brush the underside liberally with the basting, flip the bird over and repeat this with skin side, before giving the skin a generous grind of smoked salt.
  13. Place a rack at an angle across a pan and transfer the turkey to the rack.
  14. Get your smoker running and heat the barbecue to 250f or 135c. I am using the Smoke Daddy cold smoke generator which allows for perfect cold or hot smoking in any closed barbecue. If you are using another brand of smoker, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  15. Place the turkey in the barbecue and allow this to smoke for 40 minutes per pound. For my turkey weighing in at about 5 pounds this will take 3 hours 20 minutes. Baste the bird every half hour with melted butter to prevent the skin from drying out.
  16. Towards the end point, check the internal temperature with a probe thermometer. When the internal temperature reaches 170f or 77c in the thichest part of the meat, the turkey is ready to serve.
  17. And there you have it, a beautifully fragrant, tasty and succulently tender smoked turkey flavored with garlic, lemon and a hint of chilli.


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