Curry Pickled Eggs

How to Make Curry Pickled Eggs


Curry Pickled Eggs
Recipe type: Eggs
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 3 liters
In today’s episode we’re making a batch of curry pickled eggs. These spicy pickled eggs will be the rage of your party. They are reasonably quick and easy to make, and will last for months in your refrigerator, if you can resist the temptation to shnack them all down, that is.
  • 30 Medium size eggs
  • 9 Bay leaves
  • 800g Onions, peeled and cut into quarter rounds
  • 600ml Brown vinegar
  • 375ml Filtered water
  • 225g Brown sugar
  • 22.5ml Turmeric
  • 75ml Curry powder
  • 7.5ml Himalayan rock salt
  • 12 Whole black peppercorns
  • 6 Whole allspice
  • 60ml / 4Tbs Cornstarch dissolved in a little water
  1. To start, prick the base of each egg with a pin. This allows the egg to expand in the shell without cracking the shell while it is boiling.
  2. Place the eggs in a large pot and pour in enough water to cover them by an inch over the top.
  3. Place the pot over high heat and bring it to a boil. As it starts to boil, start your timer and boil the eggs for 8 minutes. After this time, remove the pot from the heat and transfer the eggs to a sink filled with cold water.
  4. I have used a full tray of 30 eggs, knowing that I might lose a few on the way due to breakage, or damage while peeling. And, yes, I have already lost one due to breaking while pricking the shells.
  5. Allow the eggs to cool in the sink while you continue with the curry pickling sauce.
  6. Chop the onions into quarter rounds. You want 800g onion after it has been cleaned and chopped.
  7. You’ll need 9 bay leaves.
  8. Measure out 600ml brown vinegar.
  9. ml Filtered water.
  10. Weigh out 270g brown sugar.
  11. Measure 22.5ml turmeric.
  12. ml Curry powder. You can use the curry powder of your choice, mild, medium or hot.
  13. And last, but not least, 7.5ml Himalayan rock salt, 12 black peppercorns, and 6 whole allspice.
  14. Place all of these ingredients in a large pot. Bring the pot to a boil, lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  15. Towards the end of this time, dissolve 60ml, or 4 tablespoons cornstarch in a little water.
  16. When the 10 minutes is up, add the cornstarch slurry to the pot and stir it in. Allow this to cook for a further 2 minutes while the sauce thickens.
  17. Remove the pot from the heat.
  18. By this stage, the eggs will be cool enough to handle. Peel the eggs and rinse them under cold water to get rid of any small shell fragments. During this process, I lost another egg which did not peel properly. That leaves 28 eggs.
  19. You will need two 1.5 liter bottles, or a single larger 3 liter bottle.
  20. I have sterilized my bottles in the dishwasher. Start bottling by pouring an inch of the curry sauce into each bottle. Top this with 4 eggs, followed by another inch of the sauce, and so on until the bottles are full. Push the last eggs at the top of the bottles down to ensure they are covered by the pickling sauce.
  21. Any sauce that is left in the pan, I normally bottle in a another bottle to use with the eggs when I serve them. I like a lot of sauce, so it never goes to waste.
  22. Place the lids on the bottles, and allow the bottles to cool completely before refrigerating. Although you can enjoy these immediately, the flavor and color of the eggs will improve dramatically by allowing them to age for a few days before serving.


Prawn Rissoles – Rissóis de camarão – Authentic Portuguese Prawn Rissoles

Prawn rissoles

Prawn Rissoles - Rissóis de camarão - Authentic Portuguese Prawn Rissoles
Recipe type: Seafood
Cuisine: Portuguese
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 60
Step-by-step authentic Portuguese prawn rissoles.
For the filling:
  • 700g Medium prawns / shrimp
  • 480ml Hot chicken stock
  • 30g Butter
  • 15ml oil
  • 1 Tomato
  • 1 Onion
  • 4 Cloves garlic
  • 2 Tbs Flat leaf parsley
  • Zest and juic of one lemon
  • 1 Tsp chilli flakes
For the filling sauce:
  • 30g Butter
  • 2 Tbs All-purpose flour
  • 250ml Full cream milk
  • 125ml Reserved prawn liquid
  • 2 Egg yolks
For the Pastry dough:
  • 250ml Reserved prawn liquid
  • 250ml Full cream milk
  • 45g Butter
  • 4 Cups All-purpose flour
  • Extra flour for dusting if needed
Prepare the prawn filling:
  1. Place 700g medium size prawns in deep pan or a pot. The prawns must be in the shell with head on as this contributes to the flavor of the prawn meat, the sauce and the pastry. Pour in 480ml hot chicken stock.
  2. Place the pan over high heat and bring it to a boil. Allow this to boil for 2 minutes, then remove from the heat. Be sure to turn the uppermost prawns, to ensure that everything cooks evenly.
  3. Remove the prawns from the liquid and set these aside to cool. Strain the liquid through a sieve and set this aside.
  4. Measure out 30g butter, 15ml oil, chop one tomato, one onion, 4 cloves garlic, 2 tablespoons flat leaf parsley. In addition, you need the zest and juice of one lemon, and a teaspoon of chilli flakes.
  5. By this stage the prawns would have cooled enough to peal and chop. Chop them relatively finely, but not to a paste.
  6. Saute’ the onion in the butter until just starting to brown. Add all of the remaining ingredients from this section. Fry these from 3-4 minutes until everything is soft, then add the chopped prawns. Remove the pan from the heat.
  7. Measure out a quarter cup prawn liquid that was reserved after cooking the prawns. In addition, a half cup of full cream milk, whisk 2 egg yolks, weigh 30g butter and measure 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour.
  8. Melt the butter in a pan and add the flour. Stir the flour in until you have a smooth paste, or roux. This should cook for 1-2 minutes. Remove from the heat.
  9. Whisk the milk and prawn liquid into the roux thoroughly until smooth.
  10. Return the pan to the heat and bring it to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 5-6 minutes until thickened.
  11. Whisk in the egg yolks and cook for a further minute.
  12. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the sauce into the prawn mixture. Mix thoroughly and set this aside.
Prepare the dough:
  1. To make the dough, measure out 45g butter, mix together 1 cup prawn cooking liquid with 1 cup milk, measure 4 cups all-purpose flour, and a little extra on the side just in case you need it for kneading and rolling.
  2. Add the prawn liquid milk mixture and the butter to a pan. Place the pan over high heat and bring to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat.
  3. Add the flour to the liquid a little at a time and mix this in, first using a whisk, then as the liquid becomes stiff, a wooden spoon, then finally by hand. Once most of the flour is incorporated, turn the dough out onto the counter and start to knead it until all of the flour is incorporated. If the dough is still sticky, add a little extra flour from the side reserve.
  4. When the dough is smooth, wrap it in cling warp and allow this to rest for 15 minutes.
Assembly and cooking:
  1. To make the rissoles, start with a quarter of the dough, keeping the remaining dough wrapped. Using a scale, portion the dough into 20g portions and roll these into balls.
  2. Fold a single portion of the dough in a plastic bread bag and use a flat bottom dinner plate to press it flat. Use your roller to continue rolling this out to a diameter of around 80mm. Put this aside and continue until all the discs are rolled. If you can’t find bread bags, any plastic should work fine.
  3. Place a slightly heaped teaspoon measure of the filling in the centre of a pastry disc. Use the plastic to fold the pastry over the filling. Crimp the pastry lightly in the front and work around to the edges, removing as much air as possible in the process. Use the tines of a fork to seal and pattern the edges. Keep the rissoles in their plastic to prevent them from drying out. Continue until all the rissoles are completed.
  4. To coat the rissoles, beat 4 eggs and half-fill a bowl with bread crumbs. Dunk one of the rissoles in the egg to wet all over, then transfer it to the bread crumbs to coat. Transfer this to a platter to wait while you continue with the remaining rissoles.
  5. Heat your oil to 180c or 350f and fry the rissoles for 2-3 minutes until golden and slightly puffed up. Don’t be tempted to fry for any longer as steam will build up in the rissoles and they will rupture.
  6. Once complete, remove from the oil and serve immediately. In a 5 litre fryer, you can comfortably fry 10-12 rissoles at a time. Adjust your frying load accordingly if your fryer or pan is smaller or larger. This recipe will make approximately 60 rissoles.


Pizza Crackers! Yes, make amazing pizza flavored crackers at home!

Pizza flavored crackers

Pizza Crackers! Yes, make amazing pizza flavored crackers at home!
Recipe type: Snacks
Cuisine: America, Italian
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 60
Pizza crackers really do taste just like traditional pizza. Give it a try, you will not be disappointed!
  • 1.5 Cups All purpose flour
  • ¼ tsp Bicarbonate of soda
  • ¼ tsp Salt
  • ¼ tsp Cream of tartar
  • 10ml Yeast
  • 5ml Sugar
  • ½ Cup Finely shredded parmesan cheese
  • 35g Butter
  • 90ml Water
  • 30ml Olive oil
  • 1 Egg whisked with 30ml water
  • Italian herb mix (see below)
  • Himalayan rock salt
For the herb mix:
  • ▢2 tablespoons dried basil
  • ▢2 tablespoons dried oregano
  • ▢1 tablespoons dried rosemary
  • ▢2 tablespoons dried parsley
  • ▢1 tablespoon dried thyme
  • ▢1 teaspoon garlic powder
  1. Sift 1 and a half cups of all purpose flour into a large mixing bowl. Add a quarter teaspoon salt, baking soda and cream of tartar.
  2. Follow this with 2 teaspoons of active dry yeast and a teaspoon of sugar. And last, but not least, a half cup of finely shredded Parmigiano Reggiano. Use a whisk to mix this all together thoroughly, then put this to one side.
  3. In a small saucepan, combine 35g of butter, 90ml water and 30ml olive oil. Heat the pan over medium heat only until the butter has melted. As soon as the butter has melted, remove from the heat.
  4. Pour the flour mixture into your food processor and start the machine on medium speed. Drizzle the melted butter mixture in through the tube. Mix until the dough comes together and there are no visible dry spots in the dough.
  5. Turn the dough out and compress it into a ball. Place the ball in a bowl and cover with clingwrap. Place the dough in your refrigerator to autolyse for at least 6 hours, preferably over night.
  6. The following day, remove the dough from your refrigerator and allow it to warm up for 15 minutes. Divide the dough in half and knead each half briefly until the dough is smooth. Roll to dough out to a thickness of 2mm.
  7. Use a roller cutter to cut the dough into small bite-size squares of around 30mm in size. Transfer the pastry squares to a large sheet pan lined with baking parchment.
  8. Whisk one egg with 30ml water and brush this onto the crackers liberally. Do this in batches to guarantee that the wash will still be wet when applying the herbs.
  9. Sprinkle the herbs liberally over the wet crackers and add a generous grind of Himalayan rock salt. Continue until all the crackers are flavored.
  10. Bake the crackers in a preheated oven at 210c or 410f for 12-14 minutes until golden. Remove from the oven and allow the crackers to cool completely in the pan before storing them in an airtight container.
  11. This recipe will make approximately 60 amazing pizza flavored crackers for you to enjoy.


How did this iconic dish evolve? South African Slap Chips!

Slap chips

How did this iconic dish evolve? South African Slap Chips!
Recipe type: Accompaniments
Cuisine: Fries
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 4
How iconic slap chips evolved and how to make them at home.
  • Potatoes
  1. Today’s episode is a request from Dawie Venter in Australia.
  2. South Africa’s iconic Slap Chips…. Spelled “slap” but pronounced “slup” were not invented by anyone in particular, but instead they evolved through a combination of bad staff training, laziness and the cost savings of running a fryer at lower temperatures.
  3. This may sound harsh, but something good did come from it…. Slap chips!
  4. The owners of the take-out establishments where slap chips evolved realised that running their chip fryers at lower temperatures of around 150c instead of the customary 180c, the oil would last much longer before denaturing and becoming unusable.
  5. To compound this issue, lazy or poorly trained staff would then overload the fryer with a full basket of cold chips instead of a half basket. The oil temperature would plummet to less than 100c, and the chips would boil in the oil instead of frying, for at east the first 5 minutes of the cooking process.
  6. This would effectively partially cook the chips, followed by very slow frying for another 10-15 minutes until the chips floated to the top of the oil indicating they were ready to remove. By the time the chips were cooked, the oil temperature was a mere 140-145c. The result was a whole new type of chip…. Slap chips… which were originally intended to be French fries.
  7. To achieve the same result at home, you don’t need to heat your oil to 150c, or cut a truck-load of chips to overload your fryer. Simply cut 4 medium potatoes into chips of about 12mm in thickness. This is intentionally thicker than a French fry, as slap chips to tend to fall apart if cut thinner than this. Place the chips in very cold water to keep them from discolouring. At this stage you can actually store your chips in the refrigerator for later.
  8. When you are ready to start frying your chips, dry the chips off with a dish towel, place the chips in your fryer basket and lower it into the cold oil. Turn on your fryer to maximum and let the process take its course.
  9. After about 5 minutes, the chips will start to boil in the oil. Notice I say boil, not fry, as the oil is not yet hot enough to cause any type of frying action. This will continue for a few minutes, after which the temperature of the oil will reach around 110c and the chips will start to fry very half-heartedly.
  10. Another few minutes and the frying will increase as the temperature nears 120c.
  11. After another few minutes, the chips will start to rise to the surface. The oil will be at approximately 140c – 145c in temperature, and the chips will only be slightly golden. They are ready to be removed from the oil.
  12. Add a generous sprinkling of white spirit vinegar and salt, and you’re ready to serve.
  13. If you don’t have a fryer at home, you can use a pot, or high side frying pan to achieve the same results as a fryer.
  14. Once again, thanks for watching, please like, subscribe and share this video, and we’ll see you again real soon.


Better Than KFC! – Quicker, Easier & Better Than KFC!

Better Than KFC S

Better Than KFC! - Quicker, Easier & Better Than KFC!
Recipe type: Chicken
Cuisine: USA
Serves: 16-20
Today’s episode brings something really exciting. These Deep-Fried Hot Chicken Wings are quicker, easier and better than KFC hot wings. With only 6 ingredients and a super-short 3 minute frying time, you’ll be enjoying these incredibly crispy, golden hot wings in a flash.
  • 3 Tbs Aromat / Aromex / Flavormate
  • 1-6 Tbs Dried chilli flakes
  • 120g Packer Salt & Vinegar chips / crisps
  • 2 Cups all-purpose flour
  • 4 Eggs
  • 8-10 Whole chicken wings
  1. To start, measure out 3 tablespoons of Aromat. This is also called Aromex, Flavormate and a number of other trade names, depending on where you live.
  2. Measure out 1-6 Tablespoons of dried chilli flakes. One tablespoon will give you a mild burn, with the burn increasing as add extra chilli. The choice is up to you.
  3. You will also need a 120g packet of salt and vinegar potato chips or crisps.
  4. Place the Aromat and chilli flakes in your spice grinder and machine these to a fine powder.
  5. Place the potato crisps in your food processor and pulse them 3 to 4 times until quite fine.
  6. Measure 2 cups of all purpose flour into a large mixing bowl. Add the powder Aromat, dried chilli and crushed potato chips and mix these well to combine.
  7. Put this aside until required.
  8. Crack 4 eggs into another mixing bowl and whisk these briefly and put this aside.
  9. Take 8-10 whole chicken wings. Cut the tips from the wings and discard these.
  10. Slice through the center joint, giving a total of 16-20 winglets.
  11. At this stage, start heating your oil over over high heat with a target temperature of 180c or 350f.
  12. Sprinkle some of the coating over a couple of large platters. This is where the coated wings will rest, and the layer of powder prevents the coating on the wings from sticking to the platters and getting damaged.
  13. Dredge one of the winglets in the powder mixture. Transfer this to the egg and coat it all over. Return the wing to the powder mixture and dredge it well to get a good solid coating. Transfer this to the platter to rest while you continue with the remaining winglets.
  14. By the time you’re finished coating the wings, the oil should be close to reaching 180c.
  15. When it reaches 180c, fry the chicken wings in batches for 3 minutes per batch, until crispy and golden.
  16. Use a slotted spoon to remove the wings from the oil, and continue with the remaining wings.
  17. It is now time to dig in and feast on your amazing crispy fried, golden chicken wings.
  18. That’s it for today folks, please like subscribe and share, and we’ll see you again real soon!


The Simple Spring Roll Hack – How to Make Consistently Better Spring Rolls – Spring Roll Recipe

The Simple Spring Roll Hack - How to Make the Best Spring Rolls

The Simple Spring Roll Hack - How to Make Consistently Better Spring Rolls - Spring Roll Recipe
Recipe type: Entree
Cuisine: Chinese
If you have struggled to make spring rolls that are consistent in size and weight, then this video is for you. This simple spring roll hack will have you making professional quality spring rolls in no time at all. Included in the demonstration is the recipe for a classic vegetable spring roll filling.
Recipe for Spring Roll Filling:
  • 600g Shredded Cabbage
  • 300g Carrots cut into matchsticks
  • 150g Chopped onion
  • 50g Ginger, finely chopped
  • 50g Garlic, finely chopped
For the Sauce:
  • 90ml Caster sugar
  • 90ml Rice wine vinegar
  • 60ml Light soy sauce
  • 10ml Cornflour
  1. Inside Dimensions for spring roll filling mold for use with a 225mm square spring roll pastry: (L)120mm x (W)25mm x (H)28mm
  2. Download the CAD .OBJ file here:
  3. If you are using a different size spring roll wrapper, simply scale the mold up or down in size accordingly.
  4. Please check out our website at
  5. Please like, subscribe and share.... every bit helps.... thanks you for watching!


Crispy Deep Fried Sous Vide Chicken – Tender & Juicy Deep-Fried Chicken Recipe

Crispy Deep Fried Sous Vide Chicken - Tender & Juicy Deep-Fried Chicken Recipe
Recipe type: Chicken / Deep-Fried
Cuisine: American
Serves: 12
Today we're going to sous vide a batch of chicken pieces. The cooked chicken will then be coated and briefly deep-fried to crispy perfection.
For the Chicken
  • 12 Chicken pieces
  • 30ml Caster sugar
  • 90ml Cayenne pepper
  • 15ml Garlic powder
  • 30ml Chicken stock powder
  • 30ml Vegetable stock powder
For the Coating
  • 400g All-purpose flour
  • 100g Rice flour
  • 15ml Aromat / aromex / flavormate
  • 15ml White pepper
  • 60g Cayenne pepper (NOT 60ml)
  1. To season the chicken, you will need 30ml caster sugar, 90ml cayenne pepper, 15ml garlic powder, 30ml good quality chicken stock powder and 30ml good quality vegetable stock powder.
  2. Combine these all thoroughly.
  3. Pat the chicken pieces dry with kitchen towel and place them in a large pan.
  4. Sprinkle half of the seasoning over the pieces, flip them over and coat the reverse side with the remaining powder.
  5. Allow this to stand for 30 minutes before continuing.
  6. Fold the tops of 2 medium size vacuum bags open and place half of the chicken into each bag, making sure to keep it all in a single layer.
  7. Fold the tops of the bags back and proceed to vacuum pack the chicken, making sure to double seal the bags.
  8. Half fill your pot with water and heat it to 75c. You can use a digital pot like this one, or a dedicated sous vide pot, or even a regular pot on an induction range.
  9. Once the water has reached 75c, place the packed chicken in the water. Use a plate or a pot lid to keep the bags submerged, as they will want to float as they heat up.
  10. Set your timer for 3 hours and find something else to do to pass the time.
  11. Remove the bags from the bath and cut them open.
  12. This chicken is now perfectly cooked through, well seasoned, juicy and supremely tender.
  13. The juices from the bags can be used to make really good gravies, sauces or used as a soup base.
  14. For the coating, combine 400g all-purpose flour, 100g rice flour, 15g Aromat / Aromex or equivalent, 15ml white pepper and 60g of cayenne pepper.
  15. Mix this all until well combined.
  16. Use kitchen paper to pat the chicken pieces dry.
  17. Whisk 6 eggs in a large measuring jug.
  18. To coat the chicken, dunk a piece of chicken in the egg to wet it all over.
  19. Drop it into the flour mixture and give it a good solid coating.
  20. Transfer this to a plate and continue with the remaining pieces.
  21. Heat a large pan of oil to 180c or 350f. Carefully drop the chicken into the oil piece by piece. Depending on the size of your pan you may have to fry multiple batches.
  22. Fry yhe chicken for 4 minutes, turning halfway through.
  23. Remove the chicken from the oil, drain on kitchen paper and continue with the next batch.
  24. Here you can see just how juicy and tender the chicken is, with a super-crispy coating. This coating recipe will fry noticeably darker than most coatings as a result of the cayenne pepper. This is quite normal. The result is a deep, rich, full flavor that will have your guests coming back for more.


How to Make Tempura Onion Rings – Gourmet Deep Fried Onion Rings

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How to Make Tempura Onion Rings - Gourmet Deep Fried Onion Rings
Recipe type: Vegatables / Onions
Onion rings can be absolutely awesome, or they can be sloppy, oily and terrible. This tempura onion recipe is one of the best I have tried, and really takes the humble onion ring into the realm of gourmet cuisine.
  • 500ml Buttermilk
  • 15ml Tabasco sauce
  • 5ml Salt
  • 2-3 Large onions
  • 2 Eggs
  • 475ml Soda water (well chilled)
  • 1 Cup all purpose flour
  • 1 Cup Rice flour
  • 2.5ml Salt
  • 2.5ml Black pepper
  • 2 Cups all purpose flour
  1. To start, add 15ml or a tablespoon of Tabasco sauce to a jug.
  2. Pour in 500ml of buttermilk, and add 5ml or a teaspoon of salt.
  3. Give this a good stir and set it aside.
  4. Cut 2 large onions into rings of about 10mm or a half inch thick. Place these in a large pan.
  5. Pour the buttermilk mixture over the onions, and rearrange the rings so that they are in a single layer.
  6. Cover the pan with cling-wrap and transfer it to your refrigerator for a few hours, preferably overnight. Make sure to turn the onions a few times during this time.
  7. The following day, remove the onions from the refrigerator, and measure 2 cups of all-purpose flour into a bowl.
  8. Start preheating your oil to 180c or 350f.
  9. Whisk 2 eggs in another bowl.
  10. Pour 475ml of soda water into the eggs and mix this briefly.
  11. Add a cup of sifted all-purpose flour and a cup of sifted rice flour to the egg soda mixture. Whisk this until smooth.
  12. Add a generous gring of salt and cracked black pepper and mix these in.
  13. Use a skewer to lift an onion ring from the marinade and dredge it in the flour.
  14. Drop this into the batter, and continue until you have coated about a dozen rings.
  15. Make sure to submerge the rings in the batter while doing this.
  16. Use the skewer to hook the rings out of the batter and drop them in the oil. Allow the rings to fry for 5 minutes, turning halfway through.
  17. The rings will be superbly crispy and lightly golden.
  18. Use a slotted spoon to lift them from the oil before continuing with the next batch of rings.
  19. When frying, make sure you oil is up to temperature, and that you don't overcrowd the pan. This will drop the temperature and will result in overly oily onion rings.
  20. Serve your creation piping hot as a snack, or accompaniment to your main course and enjoy.
  21. Thanks for joining us today, please like, subscribe and share and we'll see you again tomorrow.


Bulk Producing Potato Croquettes at Home

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Bulk Producing Potato Croquettes at Home
Recipe type: Potatoes
Cuisine: French
Serves: 2kg
Potato croquettes are an all-time favorite with their creamy inside and super-crispy shell. Made in small quantities, they are actually quite a hassle to make, especially considering that they are an accompaniment. Today we're going to make these in bulk, allowing you to freeze the croquettes and use them as required without all the hassle.
Main Ingredients
  • 2kg Roughly mashed potato
  • 60ml Full cream milk
  • 2 Tbs Salt
  • 1 Tsp White pepper
  • 4 Tbs Dried onion flakes
  • 4 Egg yolks, beaten
  • 6 Tbs All-purpose flour
For the Coating:
  • Eggs, beaten
  • All- purpose flour
  • Finely crushed cornflakes or breadcrumbs
Special Equipment
  • Sausage stuffer
  • 300mm Ruler or strip of rigid plastic
  1. To start, place 2kg of roughly mashed potato in you mixer bowl.
  2. Add 2 Tablespoons salt, 1 teaspoon white pepper, 4 tablespoons dried onion flakes and 6 tablespoons all-purpose flour.
  3. Combine 4 egg yolks with 60ml of full cream milk and pour this in.
  4. Place the bowl on your mixer with the dough hook attached and mix the mash until totally combined. This will take about 5 minutes. You can also mix it by hand if you don't have a mixer.
  5. Attach the funnel of your choice to your sausage stuffer. I am using a 35mm funnel, but you can go with any diameter of your choice.
  6. Fill the hopper with the potato mixture making sure to press it down after each addition to avoid air pockets in the mix.
  7. Close the hopper and advance the plunger.
  8. For the next step, you will need a school ruler, or a length of reasonably rigid plastic.
  9. The potato mixture will be extruded along the plastic to make long cylinders of potato mix.
  10. Advance the mixture along the funnel until it reaches the end of the funnel.
  11. Hold the plastic under the funnel while advancing the potato, progressively moving the plastic at the same rate as the potato exits the funnel.
  12. As it nears the end of the ruler, slice the potato off clean.
  13. Roll the log of potato from the ruler into a large pan.
  14. Continue until all of the potato has been extruded. At this diameter, you will get about 2 meters of extruded potato.
  15. Cover the pans and transfer them to your freezer overnight.
  16. The following day you will need a bowl of all-purpose flour, whisked eggs, and a bowl of finely crushed cornflakes or breadcrumbs. These quantities are all dependent on how much potato you processed.
  17. Take a little of the flour and sprinkle it over a couple of large platters. This is where the coated croquettes will sit waiting to be fried, and the flour will prevent the coating from sticking to the platter and getting damaged.
  18. Remove the potato logs from the freezer and use a strong knife to chop these into equal lengths.
  19. Working with one portion at a time, dredge the croquette in the flour.
  20. Roll the potato in the egg to wet all of the flour.
  21. And then into the crumb to get a good solid coating all over.
  22. Transfer this this to one of the platters and continue with the remaining croquettes.
  23. To fry the croquettes, half fill a wok with oil and heat this to 170c or 340f.
  24. Carefully add the croquettes to the oil and fry them for 3 to 4 minutes. Give them a gentle stir every minute to ensure even browning. You can also par-fry for 60 seconds to set the coating, remove from the oil, cool and refreeze for super-quick croquettes in the future.
  25. Use a slotted spoon to remove the crispy croquettes from the oil and drain any excess oil on kitchen paper.
  26. Serve the croquettes piping hot as an accompaniment to your main course.
  27. Thanks for joining us today, please subscribe, like, and share, and we'll see you again tomorrow.


Deep-Fried Buttermilk Chicken – Southern Fried Chicken with a Twist!!!

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Deep-Fried Buttermilk Chicken - Southern Fried Chicken with a Twist!!!
Recipe type: Chicken
Cuisine: American
Deep-fried buttermilk chicken is all-time favorite, and this recipe gives it a whole new twist. The process is quite drawn out, but easy, however as a result this recipe is more suited to bulk production for parties and catering.
  • 8-12 Pieces chicken
  • 400ml Cultured buttermilk
  • 30ml Dijon mustard
  • 15ml Salt
  • 10ml White pepper
  • 10ml Cayenne pepper
  • 1¾ Cups All-purpose flour
  • ¼ Cup Corn starch
  • 15ml Garlic powder
  • 15ml Onion powder
  • 15ml Fine salt
  • 4 Eggs
  1. To start, measure 400ml buttermilk and30ml Dijon mustard into a jug.
  2. Measure out a tablespoon salt, 2 teaspoons white pepper and 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper and add these to the jug.
  3. Mix this all until well combined.
  4. Place 8 to 12 chicken pieces on a chopping board and use your carving fork to perforate the pieces all over.
  5. Open a large vacuum packing bag and fold the top section inside out. This prevents messing on the bag and helps to keep the bag open.
  6. Place the chicken pieces in the bag and pour in the buttermilk mixture.
  7. Fold the top of the bag back and vacuum seal the bag.
  8. Notice that I have elevated the vacuum packer. This allows all of the air to escape while inhibiting the flow of the liquid upward and into the machine. As soon as the liquid starts to rise, hit the stop button and then the seal button.
  9. It is good idea to double seal the top and bottom of the bag.
  10. Place the bag of chicken in your refrigerator overnight for the buttermilk to do its magic.
  11. The following day, remove the bag from the refrigerator.
  12. For this step you need a large pot on an induction range, a slow cooker, or a digital pot like this one.
  13. Half-fill the pot with water and set the temperature to 76c or 169f.
  14. When the water has reached this temperature, place the bag of chicken pieces in the pot. Set your timer for 2 hours and go and drink coffee.
  15. After 2 hours, remove the bag and cut it open. Place a rack in a large pan and pour the chicken onto the rack. All of the liquid will drain through the rack, and can be discarded.
  16. Transfer the chicken pieces to a clean dish towel, and pat them dry using another dish towel.
  17. For the coating combine 1 and three quarter cups of all-purpose flour with a quarter cup of corn starch and 15ml of fine salt.
  18. Whisk 4 eggs thoroughly and pour these into a second bowl.
  19. Add a tablespoon of garlic powder and a tablespoon of onion powder to the flour and mix this in.
  20. Take a lityle of the flour mixture and sprinkle it over a large platter. This is where the coated chicken will rest, and the flour prevents the chicken from sticking to the platter and damaging the coating.
  21. Working with one piece of chicken at a time, dunk the chicken in the egg to wet it all over.
  22. Transfer it to the flour and dredge it to get its first coating.
  23. Back to the egg to wet all of the flour.
  24. And again into the fliur to get a good solid coating all over.
  25. Continue until all of the chicken pieces are complete.
  26. Allow the coated chicken to set for 20 minutes before continuing.
  27. Half fill a wok or large pan with oil and heat it to 170c or 340f.
  28. Carefully add the chicken pieces to the oil and fry these for 6 to 8 minutes until the coating is crispy and golden. The chicken is already cooked, so the frying process is purely to crisp the coating and reheat the chicken.
  29. Remove the pieces from the oil and drain any excess oil on kitchen paper.
  30. Serve the chicken piping hot with the accompaniments of your choice and enjoy.


How to Make Buttermilk Rusks – Crunchy Dunking Biscuits!!!

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How to Make Buttermilk Rusks - Crunchy Dunking Biscuits!!!
Recipe type: Biscuits / Cookies
Cuisine: South African
In yesterdays episode we made a batch of thick, creamy cultured buttermilk. Today we're going to use this to make South Africa's traditional dunking biscuit, delicious buttermilk rusks.
  • 500g Butter
  • 500g Sugar
  • 1Kg All-purpose flour
  • 15ml Baking powder
  • 10ml Salt
  • 500ml Cultured buttermilk
  • 2 Eggs
  1. To start add 500g of butter and 500g of sugar to a medium size pot. Place the pot over low heat and melt the butter.
  2. This recipe is on the sweeter side. You can reduce the sugar, or even replace a portion of the sugar with seedless raisins or any dried berries.
  3. While the butter melts, sift 1kg of all purpose, 15ml of baking powder and 10ml of salt into a bowl.
  4. Measure 500ml of the cultured buttermilk into a large jug. Whisk 2 eggs and add these to the buttermilk.
  5. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and pour the buttermilk and egg into the bowl. Mixt this briefly until all of the liquid has been absorbed by the flour.
  6. Pour in the melted butter and sugar. Use your padfle to mix this into the flour mixture until no dry flour is visible.
  7. You will have a thick, lumpy batter.
  8. Pour the batter into an 11 by 14 inch baking tin and spread it out evenly across the tin.
  9. Bake the batter in a preheated oven at 180c or 350f for 60 minutes, and a skewers comes out clean when pressed into the center of the cake.
  10. Remove the pan from the oven and allow it to stand for 15 minutes.
  11. Use a long ruler and a thin blade to cut the cake into strips of about 20mm wide.
  12. Turn the pan 90 degrees and cut the strips into fingers.
  13. Use a lifter to remove these from the pan and spread the rusks out over 4 large racks.
  14. Place the racks in your oven set at 100c or 200f with door slightly ajar. Allow the rusks to dry out like this for 2 to 3 hours.
  15. And now you have a mountain of traditional rusks just ready for eating.


Microwave Potato Crisps – How to Make Salt & Vinegar Potato Crisps in Your Microwave Oven!!!

Today we're going to look at a neat trick to make salt and vinegar potato crisps in your microwave. Not only do these potato crisps have less oil content then regular crisps, but they are crispier, tastier, and a fraction of the price. You can find the printable recipe on our website --- or below in this description! This is episode #774 with Whats4Chow - please subscribe for notifications and updates. Ingredients 2-3 Large potatoes 30ml Kosher salt 500ml Cheap white vinegar 500ml Water A little oil for brushing Instructions To start, use a razor-sharp knife to slice these into wafers of 1mm thickness. Using long smooth cutting strokes will result in more even slices. Pour a half liter of water and a half liter of cheap white vinegar into a large mixing bowl. Add 15ml or a tablespoon of non-iodated salt and stir this until dissolved. Add the potato slices to the salt and vinegar solution and mix them up a little to separate. Allow this to stand for 30 minutes. The salt and vinegar draws and neutralizes the starch from the potatoes, while simultaneously flavoring the slices. After 30 minutes remove the slices from the solution and arrange them over half of a clean dish towel. Fold the open half over the slices and pat them dry. Repeat this until all of the slices are dried. Place a square of baking parchment on a plate and arrange some of the slices over the parchment. Brush the slices lightly with oil, turn them over and brush the reverse sides as well. Microwave the slices on high setting. My microwave is 900 watts, and I zap my crisps for 7 minutes, turning halfway through. If your microwave is more or less powerful than this adjust the cooking time up or down accordingly. Continue microwaving batches until all of the crisps are done. The crisps will keep crispy for up to a week in an air-tight container. And there we have it, a mountain of crisps, from just 2 potatoes.

Microwave Potato Crisps - How to Make Salt & Vinegar Potato Crisps in Your Microwave Oven!!!
Recipe type: Snack Food
Today we're going to look at a neat trick to make salt and vinegar potato crisps in your microwave. Not only do these potato crisps have less oil content then regular crisps, but they are crispier, tastier, and a fraction of the price.
  • 2-3 Large potatoes
  • 30ml Kosher salt
  • 500ml Cheap white vinegar
  • 500ml Water
  • A little oil for brushing
  1. To start, use a razor-sharp knife to slice these into wafers of 1mm thickness.
  2. Using long smooth cutting strokes will result in more even slices.
  3. Pour a half liter of water and a half liter of cheap white vinegar into a large mixing bowl.
  4. Add 15ml or a tablespoon of non-iodated salt and stir this until dissolved.
  5. Add the potato slices to the salt and vinegar solution and mix them up a little to separate. Allow this to stand for 30 minutes. The salt and vinegar draws and neutralizes the starch from the potatoes, while simultaneously flavoring the slices.
  6. After 30 minutes remove the slices from the solution and arrange them over half of a clean dish towel.
  7. Fold the open half over the slices and pat them dry.
  8. Repeat this until all of the slices are dried.
  9. Place a square of baking parchment on a plate and arrange some of the slices over the parchment.
  10. Brush the slices lightly with oil, turn them over and brush the reverse sides as well.
  11. Microwave the slices on high setting. My microwave is 900 watts, and I zap my crisps for 7 minutes, turning halfway through. If your microwave is more or less powerful than this adjust the cooking time up or down accordingly.
  12. Continue microwaving batches until all of the crisps are done.
  13. The crisps will keep crispy for up to a week in an air-tight container.
  14. And there we have it, a mountain of crisps, from just 2 potatoes.


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