The Quickest Way to Tenderize Steak – How to Tenderize Steak with a Meat Mallet

How to Tenderize Steak

The Quickest Way to Tenderize Steak - How to Tenderize Steak with a Meat Mallet
Recipe type: Steak
Tenderizing steak with a meat mallet is probably the easiest way to tenderize steak. It certainly beats using enzymes and chemicals which at best produce inconsistent results. Almost every kitchen has a meat mallet, most of which have never been used. The reason for this is that no-one has ever showed you how to use it.
  • Steak
  1. How hard do you hit? How long do you hit? Do you season the meat before or after tenderizing? Will the steak still look good if you beat the daylights out of it? These are all questions that this video will answer today.
  2. For this demonstration I am using sirloin steaks. The sirloin is an average cut that is certainly not revered for being tender, in the way that tenderloin is.
  3. We are going to season the meat before the tenderizing process. For the purpose of keeping things simple, I am only going to use salt and cracked black pepper. Whatever you decide to use, if it contains salt, then you have to add one extra ingredient, and that is sugar. Salt toughens meat, especially if the meat in question is not going to stand for anything longer than a few minutes before cooking it. The sugar counteracts the toughening effect of salt, with added bonuses… it also gives a wonderful crispy edge crust to meat when it is cooked and results in a rich deep flavor.
  4. Once you have seasoned both sides of the steaks, fold them in bread film of clingwrap and start with the tenderizing. This is where a bit of finesse comes in. You want to hit the meat medium to hard, certainly not hard enough to make holes in it, but hard enough to start flattening the meat out. This process breaks down the connective tissue in the flesh of the meat, resulting in a more tender steak.
  5. You also want to bash the fat cap as well as this is attached to the meat with the same connective tissue. Continue with the tenderizing until everything is uniform and the resulting steak is around half the thickness of the original.
  6. Now you are probably saying to yourself… “This is never going to look like the steak I started with when it’s cooked” --- all I can say is “hang around until the end of the video when you will see just how good it looks”.
  7. To cook the steaks, I have added 2 tablespoons of butter and a dash of oil to my pan. The pan is heated to 210c. You will see a time-lapse of the steak cooking where it will become clear how the tenderized steaks return to their original shape and size when cooked, but without the nasty tough connective tissue.
  8. Here we go…. These are only going to grill for 2 minutes per side…
  9. The steaks are a few seconds from coming out of the pan….. here is an overlay of the steaks that went into the pan, compared to the same steaks 4 minutes later. They have returned to almost exactly the same size and shape as they were before they were tenderized.
  10. Allow the steaks to rest for 2 minutes before serving.


Beef Samosa Recipe From Start to Finish – Including Samosa Pastry Recipe – Homemade Samosa

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Beef Samosa Recipe From Start to Finish - Including Samosa Pastry Recipe - Homemade Samosa
Recipe type: Street Food
Cuisine: Indian
Beef Samosa Recipe From Start to Finish - Including Samosa Pastry Recipe - Homemade Samosa South Africa has the largest East Indian population outside of India. One of their signature foods is samosa, or as it is called in South Africa, samoosa. Today we are going to make beef samosas from start to finish, including the samosa pastry.
For the Filling
  • 600g Ground beef
  • 400g Onions diced
  • 200g Mixed peppers diced
  • 600ml Beef stock
  • 45ml Masala
  • 15ml Hot curry powder
  • 30ml Oil
  • 15ml Ground cumin
  • 15ml Ground ginger
  • 15ml Garlic powder
  • 45ml Tapioca flour dissolved in a little water
For the Pastry:
  • 500g All purpose flour
  • 10ml Salt
  • 30ml Oil
  • 180ml Warm water
  1. Starting with filling, you need 600g lean ground beef, 400g diced onion and 200g diced mixed red, yellow and green peppers.
  2. Measure out 45ml masala, 15ml extra hot curry powder, 15ml ground cumin, 15ml ground ginger and 15ml garlic powder.
  3. Mix 600ml beef stock and dissolve 45ml tapioca flour in a little water.
  4. And finally 30ml oil.
  5. Add all of the spices to the ground beef, and pour in the oil.
  6. Massage the spices into the beef until everything is very well combined.
  7. Heat a large pan over medium high heat, add 30ml of oil and fry the onions and peppers for 3 to 4 minutes until the onion is translucent.
  8. Scoop the onion from the pan and put it aside.
  9. Add a little mor oil to the pan and crumble the ground beef into the pan.
  10. Stirfry the beef for 4 to 5 minutes, chopping as go to break up any lumps.
  11. Return the onion mixture to the pan and mix this in.
  12. Pour in the stock and mix this in.
  13. Make well in the center of the pan and pour in tapioca slurry, stirting continuously.
  14. Allow the pan to cook for 1 to 2 minutes until the mixture has thickened considerably.
  15. Season the curry to taste with salt and pepper, turn off the heat and put this aside to cool completely.
  16. For the pastry, measure 500g all-purpose flour, 30ml oil, 180ml tepid water and 10ml salt.
  17. Place all of these in your food processor, starting with the dry ingredients.
  18. Place the lid on the bowl and zap the mixture until it starts to come together. The mixture will resemble cous cous, and will hold together well when pressed.
  19. Pour the crumbly mixture into a bowl and compress it into a block.
  20. Wrap the block in clingwrap and allow this to rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.
  21. After 30 minutes, unwrap the dough and divide it into 4.
  22. Working with one piece at a time, flatten the dough out.
  23. Run the dough through your pasta machine on number 1 a few times, folding it double after each pass.
  24. When the dough is nice and smooth, reduce the rollers to number 2 and repeat this process.
  25. Continue with this until you reach setting number 5, and the pastry is just less than a millimeter in thickness.
  26. Put this aside and continue with the remaining pastry.
  27. Cut each strip in half down the center, giving 8 strips of 7.5cm in width.
  28. Cut each of the strips into lengths of 30cm, giving you 16 strips in total. The offcuts can be rerolled.
  29. Place a heaped tablespoon of the filling at the end of one of the strips.
  30. Fold the corner of the strip up diagonally to cover the filling.
  31. Fold the parcel once more, this time straight up.
  32. Next, fold diagonally, and so on, until the samosa is completed.
  33. Seal the end with a little water.
  34. Continue with the remaining samosas.
  35. At this stage, you can choose the freeze your samosas for a later date. This is why we used tapioca flour to thicken the curry. Tapioca flour is freeze thaw stable, and will give you a far superior frozen product.
  36. To cook your samosas, fill an pan with oil to an inch in depth. Heat this to 180c or 350f and carefully lower a few samosas into the oil.
  37. Fry the samosas until golden turning often to ensure even browning.
  38. Serve the samosas piping hot accompanied with fruit chutney and yogurt for dipping.

(samosa recipe,beef samosa recipe,somosa pastry,samosa pastry recipe,samosa filling recipe,homemade samosa,homemade samosa recipe,homemade samosa sheet,how to make samosa,how to make samosas at home)

How to Make Tortillas from Beef – Sous Vide Meat Sheets – Meat Wraps

How to Make Tortillas from Beef - Sous Vide Meat Sheets - Meat Wraps
Recipe type: Beef / Sous Vide
Today's episode brings an interesting and tasty treat when we sous vide a thinly press sheets of ground beef, effectively turning it into a wrap which be used to enclose any fillings of your choice. You will need a vacuum packing machine and any type of digital pot with temperature control.
  • 1kg Ground Beef
  • 20g Fine salt
  • 20g Beef Stock Powder
  • 100ml Chilled water
  1. To start, place a kilogram of ground beef in your food processor. Add 20g of fine salt and 20g of good quality beef stock powder.
  2. Finally, pour in 100ml of chilled water.
  3. Place the bowl on the machine and zap the mixture until it is superfine. The mixture will emulsify and come together and start spining around the bowl.
  4. Divide the mixture into 125g portions.
  5. For these size portions, you will need 9 vacuum bags of 200mm by 230mm.
  6. Fold the tops of the bags back to avoid messing on the part of the bag that will be sealed.
  7. Place a portion of meat mixture into each bag and fold back the tops of the bags.
  8. Lay the bags on the work surface and press the meat down to flatten it out. This will make the vacuum process easier.
  9. Pop the bags into the vacuum packer and seal the tops. Make sure to double seal both sides of the bags, to ensure that you have no leaks.
  10. Use your rolling pin to roll the meat out until it is evenly spread across the bags, working it right into the corners.
  11. Work out any uneven rolling by rubbing the sheet down with your hands.
  12. Transfer all of the packets to your digital pot. The pot should be half-filled with water, and pre-heated to 75-80c.
  13. You can use a dedicated sous vide cooker, a digital pressure cooker on the keep warm setting, or a regular pot on an induction range.
  14. Allow the packages to stand in the pot for 45 minutes.
  15. While that carries on, I am going to make a simple filling for my meat wraps.
  16. I have 300g of cooked, finely chopped spinach, 300g of good quality crumbly feta cheese, and 6 anchovies, finely chopped.
  17. Crumble the feta into the cooked spinach and mix it together.
  18. Add the anchovies to yhe bowl and mix these in thoroughly.
  19. And that's that.
  20. After 45 minutes, remove the packages from the pot and cut them open. You will have perfectly cooked, flexible sheets of beef.
  21. Working with one sheet at a time, spread some of the filling over the beef, leaving an inch of border at the top and bottom of the sheet.
  22. Roll the meat up and transfer it to a serving platter.
  23. Use a blowtorch to grill off the top of the roll and add some color. Alternatively, you could grill this off in your oven as well.
  24. Add the accompaniments of your choice and you're ready to serve and enjoy.
  25. Incidentally, once the meat sheets have emerged from their water bath, they can be refrigerated or frozen for later use. Simply place them in hot water to defrost and reheat and you're ready to go.

Bolognese – How to Make the Best Bolognese Ever – The Real Deal Bolognese Recipe!!!

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Bolognese - How to Make the Best Bolognese Ever - The Real Deal Bolognese Recipe!!!
Recipe type: Sauce
Cuisine: Italian
Serves: 4-6
Bolognese is an all-time favorite, however the real thing is not simply fried ground beef and tomato, and this fact is what separates the men from the boys. True bolognese has an incredible depth of flavor, aroma and texture..... and this is how to do it.
  • 1 Medium onion
  • 1 Celery stalk
  • 1 Large carrot
  • 10ml Garlic (4 cloves)
  • 60g Butter
  • 45ml Olive oil
  • 200g Streaky bacon
  • 225g Lean pork shoulder
  • 450g Lean ground beef
  • 250ml Beef stock
  • 250ml Dry white wine
  • 800g Italian style crushed tomatoes
  • 5ml Salt
  • 2.5ml Cracked black pepper
  • 7.5ml Dried sage
  • 15ml Dried oregano
  • 2.5ml Dried chilli flakes
  • 1.25ml Ground nutmeg
  • 250ml Full cream milk
  • Pasta of your choice for serving
  1. To start, finely chop a celery stalk, a large carrot, a medium onion and 4 cloves of garlic.
  2. Measure out 45ml or 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 60g of butter.
  3. Finely chop 200g of streaky bacon and 225g of lean pork shoulder and place this in a mixing bowl along with 450g of lean ground beef. Massage these together until completely combined.
  4. Combine 250ml of beef stock with 250ml of dry white wine and put this aside.
  5. Combine 5ml or a teaspoon of salt with 2.5ml or a half teaspoon of cracked black pepper, 7.5ml or one and a half tespoon of dried sage, 15ml or a tablespoon of dried oregano, 2.5ml of dried chilli flakes and 1.25ml or a quarter teaspoon of ground nutmeg, and put this aside.
  6. In addition, you need an 800g can of Italian style crushed tomatoes, and 250ml or a cup of full cream milk.
  7. Heat the butter and oil over medium high heat until bubbling and add the finely chopped onion, garlic, celery and carrot.
  8. Fry these until the onion is translucent.... about 6 to 8 minutes.
  9. Add the three ground meats and fry these until lightly browned.... this will take another 6 to 8 minutes.
  10. Increase the heat to high and pour in the combined beef stock and wine.
  11. Bring this to a boil and continue cokoing until the liquid has almost reduced to nothing.
  12. Turn the heat down to a simmer and add the mixed herbs and spices. Stir this in thoroughly and allow this simmer gently for 20 minutes.
  13. Pour in the crushed tomato, raise the heat to a boil, reduce the heat to a low simmer and allow this to simmer away gently for 2 to 4 hours, partially covered. Give the pot a stir every so often, and add a dash of wine every time the mixture gets too dry. The 2 to 4 hours simmering time is up to you. 2 hours being the minimum, however the longer you simmer the deeper the flavor and texture of the bolognese will become.
  14. About 10 minutes before serving, pour in the milk and continue cooking until the sauce reaches your preferred consistency and you're done.
  15. Serve the bolognese with the pasta of your choice topped with a generous dose of finely shredded Parmesan cheese and enjoy.
  16. This recipe will make 4 to 6 portions, and can be scaled up to any size with the limiting factor being the size of your pot or pan.
  17. Thanks for joining us today, please subscribe to our channel, give us a thumbs up, and share this with your family and friends, and we'll see you again tomorrow.


Chef T’s Magic Powder – for Incredible Burger Patties, Steaks, Chicken, Pork, Stews & Soups!!!

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Chef T's Magic Powder - for Incredible Burger Patties, Steaks, Chicken, Pork, Stews & Soups!!!
Recipe type: Seasoning / Rubs / Spices
Today we're going to make a batch of my magic powder. This amazing stuff is primarily for making the most incredible burger patties, however it can be used just as successfully to flavor roasts, stews, soups and really just about anything. After making the powder, I will demonstrate how to use it to make the burger patties, and a superbly tender roast spatcock chicken. The theory behind how and why this powder works so well will covered in another episode in the near future. Although you can naturally dry the ingredients for the powder in trays, it does help to have a food dryer with multiple racks.
  • 80g Fresh coriander leaves (with stems)
  • ½ Red Pepper
  • ½ Yellow Pepper
  • 30ml Tabasco sauce
  • 8 Portabello mushrooms (or procini)
  • 30ml Onion Flakes
  • 15ml Lemon pepper
  • 15ml +15ml Cornstarch
  • 15ml Salt
For the Burger Patties
  • 7.5ml Magic powder per 100g ground beef
  • 10ml Water per 100g ground beef
For the Chicken
  • Magic powder
  • Roasting vegetables of your choice
  • 1.8kg Chicken
  1. To start, place 80g of fresh coriander, including the stems into drying racks.
  2. Cut a half yellow pepper and a half red pepper into strips.
  3. Place these in a mixing bowl, pour in 30ml or 2 tablespoons of Tabasco sauce and toss the peppers until everything is coated.
  4. Cut 8 portabello mushrooms into slices. You can also use porcini mushrooms which work just as well.
  5. Place the sliced mushrooms and peppers into drying trays and stack these on your dryer for 36 to 48 hours until everything is well desiccated.
  6. To make the powder from all the dried ingredients, you will to measure 30ml or 2 tablespoons of dried onion flakes, 15ml or a tablespoon of lemon pepper, 15ml of salt and 15ml of cornstarch.
  7. Place all of the ingredients from the dryer on a chopping board and chop them roughly to make them more manageable for your spice grinder.
  8. Fill your spice grinder to the top with some of this mixture and machine it until reasonably fine.
  9. During the machining the mixture will break down considerably leaving space to add more of the mixture.
  10. Add more of the mixture along with some of the cornstarch.
  11. Machine it again, and carry on adding more of the dried ingredients along with a little cornstarch, until all of the ingredients from the dryer have been ground.
  12. Place this in a bowl, and add the salt, onion flakes, lemon pepper and remaining cornstarch. Mix this together well.
  13. Put the mixture back into the grinder in batches and machine each batch until fine.
  14. Place the fine mixture in a jug and add a further 15ml of cornstarch and mix this in. The cornstarch is used as an anti-caking agent.
  15. Transfer the magic powder to an air-tight sprinkle bottle with large holes and you're ready to go.
  16. To make your magic burger patties you will need 7.5ml or 1.5 teaspoons of magic powder for every 100g of ground beef as well as 10ml or 2 teaspoons of water for each 100g of beef.
  17. Place this all in your stand mixer with the dough hook attached and allow this to mix for 7 minutes on medium low speed, until well emulsified.
  18. Press the burger patties and grill as normal.
  19. Make up your burgers and enjoy. Here we see a double cheese burger using my magic patties and the McDonald's burger we made 2 episodes back.
  20. For the chicken, cut the bird down through breast bone and flatten it out. Place it in a large roasting pan.
  21. Sprinkle the magic powder liberally over the chicken and fill up any space in the pan with the roasting vegetables of your choice.
  22. Pour in 400ml of chicken stock and cover the pan with foil.
  23. Bake the chicken in a pre-heated oven at 200c or 400f for 45 minutes.
  24. Remove the pan from the oven, remove the foil from the pan and return it to the oven uncovered for a further 35 minutes.
  25. Increase the heat to 250c or 480f for a further 10 to 15 minutes until the chicken is crispy and golden. Allow it to rest for 5 minutes before cutting and serving.


Guinness Glazed Steak with Leprechaun Mash – St Patrick’s Day Special Glazed Steak Recipe!!!

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Guinness Glazed Steak with Leprechaun Mash - St Patrick's Day Special Glazed Steak Recipe!!!
Recipe type: Steak / St Patrick's Day
Cuisine: Irish
Serves: 2
Tomorrow is St. Patrick's day and to celebrate, we're going to grill an incredible Guinness glazed steak and serve this up on a bed of Leprechaun mash.
For the Glaze / Marinade
  • 150ml Guinness stout
  • 30ml Demerara sugar
  • 100ml Worcestershire sauce
  • 15ml Tomato sauce
  • 5ml Salt
For the Steak
  • 2 x 250g Sirloin steaks
  • 30g Butter
To Sreve
  • 600g Prepared mashed potato
  • 25g Garlic chives
  • 25g Parsley
  • 125ml Sour cream
  1. Starting with the glaze, which is also the marinade. In a jug combine the salt, tomato sauce, Demerara sugar, Guinness stout and Worcestershire sauce and stir this until all of the sugar and salt has dissolved.
  2. Place the sirloin steaks in a stainless steel tray and pour in the marinade. Allow this marinate for 2 hours, turning the steaks every 30 minutes.
  3. minutes before the end of the marinating time, roughly chop the chives and parsley.
  4. Place these in a tall jug along with the sour cream.
  5. Use your stick blender to machine this until fine.
  6. Pour the mixture into the prepared mashed potato and mix it in thoroughly.
  7. Cover the mash and keep it warm.
  8. Remove the steaks from the marinade and put these aside.
  9. Heat a large pan over medium high heat and pour in the marinade. Bring this to a boil, lower the heat and simmer the marinade until it has reduced to half. Stir continuously while the glaze reduces.
  10. Remove this from the heat and put it aside.
  11. Heat another pan over medium high heat and 30g of butter.
  12. Grill the steaks for 3 to 4 minutes per side for medium rare or until done to your liking.
  13. Remove this pan from the heat and return the glaze to the heat.
  14. Add the steaks to the glaze and wipe them around the pan until completely coated and glossy.
  15. To serve, pipe the green mash onto a serving platter to form a platform for the steak.
  16. Transfer the steak to a cutting board and slice it at an angle into strips.
  17. Lift the steak up and place it on top of the mash.
  18. Drizzle the steak with half of the leftover glaze and serve immediately.


How to Make Square Burger Patties – Perfect Burger Patty Production with No Specialized Equipment!!!

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How to Make Square Burger Patties - Perfect Burger Patty Production with No Specialized Equipment!!!
Recipe type: Burgers
Making square burger patties takes a whole load of hassle out of making patties for large crowds of people. No specialized equipment is required and the whole process is foolproof.
  • 75ml Onion flakes
  • 15ml Salt
  • 7.5ml White pepper
  • 1.4kg Good quality ground beef
  • 10% Weight of meat in liquid - Worcestershire sauce / Light soy sauce / Beef stock / Water
  1. Place the dried onion flakes, salt and white pepper into your spice grinder.
  2. Zap these until you have a fine powder.
  3. Place the ground beef in the bowl of your stand mixer and add the seasoning.
  4. You also need to add 10% of the weight of the meat in liquid. I am using Worcestershire sauce, however you can use light soy sauce, stock, or even plain water.
  5. Attach the dough hook, close the mixer and switch it on. Start slow and gradually increase the speed to medium. The meat must mix for 8 minutes. It will try to climb the sides of the bowl while mixing. Use something to help it back down to the bottom of the bowl.
  6. During the mixing process, the salt reacts with the protein in the meat causing it emulsify. This is what keeps the patties together when they are formed.
  7. Line a 10 inch by 14 inch baking sheet with cling-wrap.
  8. Tip the meat mixture into the pan and flatten it out.
  9. Pull another length of cling-wrap over the top of the pan.
  10. Use your rolling pin to roll and compress the ground beef into the tray until it is level with the edges. Any excess meat will simply squeeze out from the edges and can be cleared in the next step.
  11. Place the pan in your freezer for 30 minutes to firm up.
  12. Turn the slab of beef out onto a large chopping board.
  13. Trim away any excess meat.
  14. Keeping the cling-wrap in place, cut the slab into 12 equal squares for 100g patties or 6 pieces for giant 200g patties, as I am doing here.
  15. At this point, these can be wrapped and frozen, or grilled.
  16. Using a heavy pan or skillet over medium high heat, add 20g of butter.
  17. When the butter is sizzling, add the patties and grill them for 5 to 6 minutes per side until nicely charred and caramelized both sides.
  18. And there it is... the easiest way to make perfectly uniform, tasty patties with an amazing texture that will not fall apart, even on the barbecue.


Shepherd’s Pie Towers – a Great Way to use Left-overs, and Just as Easy From Scratch!!!

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Sherherd's Pie Towers - a Great Way to use Left-overs, and Just as Easy From Scratch!!!
Recipe type: Pie
These single portion shepherd's pies are a great way to use up leftovers, or you can make them quite easily from scratch. I am using leftover beef filling from the empanadas we made just a few days back.
For Each Portion You Will Need...
  • 250g Savory mince (with grated cheese)
  • 250g Stiff mashed potato
  • 1 Egg
  • Finely shredded Parmesan
  1. These single portion shepherd's pies are a great way to use up leftovers, or you can make them quite easily from scratch. I am using leftover beef filling from the empanadas we made just a few days back.
  2. All you need for this is the cooked savory ground beef, an equal quantity of stiff mashed potato and finely shredded parmesan cheese. To set the beef, you will also need 1 beaten egg per 250g of beef.
  3. Pour the beaten eggs into the beef and mix this thoroughly.
  4. Take a 4 inch by 2 inch cylinder mold and place it on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment.
  5. Half fill the cylinder with the beef, compacting it as you go. Smooth off the surface when you reach halfway.
  6. Continue filling the mold with the mash up to the top, and smooth off the surface.
  7. Carefully slide the mold upwards to leave the contents behind.
  8. Continue molding the towers, leaving 2 inches of space between each, as the beef will spread as it bakes.
  9. Top each of the towers with a generous dose of shredded Parmesan cheese and bake the towers in a preheated oven at 200c or 400f for 15 to 20 minutes until the potato is crispy and golden, and the beef is well set.
  10. Serve the towers immediately with the accompaniments of your choice.
  11. And there it is.... an amazing single portion shepherd's pie topped with creamy potato with a crispy Parmesan crust.


How to Make Spicy Beef Empanadas – Crispy, Tasty Mexican Deep Fried Beef Pies

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How to Make Spicy Beef Empanadas - Crispy, Tasty Mexican Deep Fried Beef Pies
Recipe type: Beef / Empanadas
Cuisine: Mexican
Serves: 30-32
With festive season right here it's good to have a couple of recipes that can feed hordes of family and friends. These super tasty beef empanadas will certainly warm your hearts and this recipe will make about 30 x 5 inch pocket pies. In addition they can be made in advance, frozen, and fried very successfully from frozen.
For the Filling
  • 1kg Beef mince
  • 2 Medium onions
  • 50g Butter
  • 15ml Cornflour
  • 300g Mature Jack Cheese
  • 15ml Ground cumin
  • 15ml Ground coriander seed
  • 15ml Paprika
  • 15ml Oregano
  • 15ml Chilli flakes (more if you want fire)
  • 15ml Garlic powder
  • 30ml Dried, powdered coriander leaf
  • 30ml Dried, powdered avocado leaf
  • 30ml Lemon or lime zest
  • 400ml Beef stock
For the Pastry (you need 4 batches of this)
  • 400g All purpose flour
  • 5ml Salt
  • 10ml Baking powder
  • 120g Shortening (baking lard)
  • 180ml Full cream milk
  1. Measure out the ground cumin, ground coriander seed, paprika, oregano, chilli flakes, garlic powder, dried powdered coriander leaf, dried powdered avocado leaf and the lemon or lime zest.
  2. Roughly the onions and weigh out the butter.
  3. Place the ground beef in large container and pour in all of the herbs and spices.
  4. Get in there with your hands and massage this into the beef thoroughly.
  5. Heat a large pan over high heat and add the butter.
  6. When the butter starts to bubble, add the chopped onion. Fry this for about 6 minutes until tender and starting to brown slightly on the edges.
  7. Break the ground beef over the onions. Immediately start chopping the beef into the onion with the edge of your spatula.
  8. Ground beef tends to clump together when fried, and chopping through the lumps will break this all down.
  9. Fry and chop the beef for 6 to 8 minutes until cooked through and well colored.
  10. Pouring the beef stock and stir to combine. Turn the heat down to medium and allow this to simmer for for 6 minutes.
  11. Dissolve the cornflour in a little water and add this to the beef.
  12. Stir this in, bring it to a boil and allow to continue for a minute or two.
  13. Remove this from the heat and allow to cool completely.
  14. For the pastry, weigh out the all-purpose flour, baking powder, salt, shortening and milk. For this quantity of filling, you will need to make 4 batches of pastry, so weigh out all 4 separately before processing.
  15. Working with the first batch, place the flour, salt, baking powder and shortening in you processor.
  16. Put the lid on and pulse this briefly 2 to 3 times to cut the shortening into the flour.
  17. Remove the lid and pour in half of the milk. Put the lid on and run the machine on high speed for 5 seconds. While the machine runs, tilt the machine back and forth to aid the mixing.
  18. Remove the lid, pour in the remaining milk, replace the lid and switch the machine on high. Tilt the machine back and forth for about 10 seconds until the dough comes together in a crumbly mass.
  19. Turn the dough out onto your work surface. Wrap the dough in cling-wrap flattening it out as you go. Transfer this to your refrigerator and continue with the remaining 3 batches of pastry.
  20. By this stage the filling will have cooled. Pour in the grated cheese and mix this in thoroughly. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  21. To assemble the empanadas, a tortilla press is very useful. If you don't have a press, simply roll the pastry with a rolling pin.
  22. Divide each batch of pastry into 8 portions, giving you 32 portions in all.
  23. Press the portions out, or roll, using plastic bread film to prevent sticking.
  24. Use your rolling pin to finished rolling these into rounds of just larger than 5 inches or 125mm.
  25. If you don't have an empanada press you can form the empanadas quite easily by hand.
  26. Drop 60g of the filling onto the top half of the pastry. Hold the front of the pastry while you lift the lower edge of the pastry up and over the filling. Crimp the edge to seal.
  27. Using an empanada press, cut the perfect round from the pastry using the cutter in the base of the press.
  28. Keeping the plastic film in place, drop this on top of the press.
  29. Add 60g of filling to one side of the pastry and tamp this down.
  30. Holding the plastic film and the handles close the press to seal in the filling.
  31. Continue until all of the empanadas are formed.
  32. Half fill a large pan with oil and heat this to 180c or 350f.
  33. Fry the empanadas in batches for 2 to 3 minutes per side until crisp, puffed and golden. Remove these from the oil and continue with the remaining pies.
  34. And there we have it... beautifully golden Mexican beef empanadas to feed the crowd.


How to Make Pepperoni – Spicy and Aromatic homemade Pepperoni

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How to Make Pepperoni - Spicy and Aromatic homemade Pepperoni
Recipe type: Sausage / Curing meat
Cuisine: Italian
Serves: 7
Pepperoni is an all-time favorite. This cured and fermented sausage is absolutely loaded with flavor and aroma.
  • 2kg Pork butt (fat included)
  • 1kg Beef chuck (fat included)
  • 80g Prague powder #2
  • 10ml Sugar
  • 20ml Cayenne pepper
  • 30ml Paprika
  • 15ml Aniseed
  • 5ml Dried garlic granules
  • 300ml Dry red wine
  • 1.25ml Ascorbic acid (pure vitamin C)
  1. Measure out the Prague powder, sugar, cayenne pepper, paprika, aniseed, garlic granules, red wine and ascorbic acid.
  2. Cut the pork butt into cubes. For those not in North America, the pork butt is the very top end of the shoulder.
  3. Cut the chuck steak into cubes as well.
  4. Don't remove any of the fat from either.
  5. Place all of the meat in a large roasting tin and place this in your freezer for 60 minutes to firm up in preparation for grinding.
  6. Combine all of the spices and use a fork to break down any lumps.
  7. After 60 minutes, the meat will be close to frozen, and nice and firm.
  8. Run the 2 meats through the grinder separately using an 8mm or one third inch grinding plate.
  9. Pour the curing spice blend and the wine over the ground meat and massage this into the meat thoroughly while also mixing the pork and beef together.
  10. Tamp the meat down, cover the pan with cling-wrap and transfer this to your refrigerator for 24 hours.
  11. The following day, load the meat into your sausage stuffer.
  12. Attach a 40mm nozzle to the stuffer and crank the handle until the meat reaches the exit of the funnel.
  13. Slide a mini salami casing onto the funnel. (50mm x 250mm)
  14. Apply firm pressure to the casing with one hand while cranking with the other.
  15. The pressure applied is far more than when loosely stuffing sausages. With cured fermented sausage, you want the filling to be far more compacted, leaving no space for air pockets which could lead to spoiling.
  16. As the filling nears then end of the casing, remove the casing from the funnel and twist off the end.
  17. Place slip knot around the end of the casing and pull it tight while twisting the casing to further compact the filling.
  18. Turn the casing over and secure this with a double knot, turn it again, and tie another double knot.
  19. Trim off the ends and continue with remaining pepperonis.
  20. To ferment and dry the pepperoni, hang them from their loops at a temperature between 10c and 13c with a humidity between 75 and 80 percent for 6 to 12 weeks, depending on how dry and how fermented you want your pepperoni.
  21. NB - the humidity in the drying area has to be high in order to avoid casing - this is when the outside of the pepperoni dries solid while the inside is still soft and mushy. Once the pepperoni has cased it is ruined, and should be thrown away.


How to Make Potato Bun Burgers – Delicious Crispy Deep Fried Potato Bun Burgers – Gluten Free Friend

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How to Make Potato Bun Burgers - Delicious Crispy Deep Fried Potato Bun Burgers - Gluten Free Friend
Recipe type: Burgers
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 2
Potato bun burgers are real good fun, and a great way to combine your fries with your burger. They also make it possible for people on wheat restricted diets to enjoy an amazing burger.
For 2 Burgers
  • 2 Large potatoes
  • 400g Ground beef
  • 15ml Salt (non-iodated)
  • 15ml Dry chilli flakes
  • 15ml Dried garlic granules
  • 12 slices melting cheese of your choice
  • Frilly lettuce
  • 3 Cocktail tomatoes
  • Ketchup or sauce of your choice
  1. Place the large potatoes in a pot and cover them with boiling kettle water. Heat the pot over high heat and boil the potatoes until they are tender. This timing will vary depending on the variety of potatoes you're using.
  2. In the meantime place the ground beef in a mixing bowl and add the salt, chilli flakes and dried garlic granules.
  3. Get in there with your hands and massage this all together.
  4. Slice the cheese into thin slices, slice the cherry tomatoes and take enough frilly lettuce.
  5. Use your burger press to form 4 x 100g patties and transfer these to your refrigerator.
  6. Remove the boiled potatoes from the pot and cool them under cold running water.
  7. Use a sharp knife to slice a bit off of each flat side of the potatoes, then cut the potatoes through the center length-ways.
  8. Half fill a large pan with oil and heat this to 180c or 350f.
  9. Carefully lower the potatoes into the oil and fry them until crisp and golden on both sides.
  10. Remove the potatoes and drain any excess oil on kitchen paper.
  11. Heat another pan over medium high heat and add 15g of butter.
  12. Grill the burger patties for 2 to 3 minutes on the first side.
  13. Flip the patties over and top the patties with the cheese. Continue grilling until the cheese starts melting. Stack the patties in pairs.
  14. Place one of the fried potato pieces on a serving platter and top this with lettuce.
  15. Place a burger patty stack on top of this.
  16. Top the stack with sliced tomato and a drizzle of ketchup.
  17. Finish this off with the top potato and you're ready to feast.


Steak Schnitzel with Veloute’ Cheese Sauce – How to Make Rump Steak Schnitzel – How to Make Cheese S

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Steak Schnitzel with Veloute' Cheese Sauce - How to Make Rump Steak Schnitzel - How to Make Cheese S
Recipe type: Steak / Beef
Serves: 4
Just a few episodes back we made a veloute' sauce using chicken bone broth. One of our viewers requested that we expand on this to make a cheese sauce. This on its own would be too simple and short to make up a full episode, so today we're going to make a rump steak schnitzel topped with this cheese sauce.
  • 2 x Rump steaks cut to 1 inch thick
  • Fine breadcrumbs
  • 4 Eggs, beaten
  • 1 Batch veloute' sauce
  • 150g Edam cheese, finely grated
  1. You will need 2 juicy rump steaks cut to an inch thick. Try to buy steaks with a decent strip of fat down the edge.
  2. Set your meat slicer to 6mm thick and run the steaks trough the blade. This will give you 8 schnitzels, or 4 servings.
  3. For the coating, beat 4 eggs and pour them into a large bowl.
  4. Half fill another bowl with fine bread crumbs. I am not going to season the crumbs as the cheese and veloute' sauce already have tons of seasoning.
  5. Before coating the schnitzels, sprinkle a layer of bread crumbs over a large platter. This is where the coated schnitzels will set, and the layer prevents the coating from sticking to the platter and getting damaged.
  6. Working with one schnitzel at a time dip the steak in the egg to wet it all over.
  7. Transfer it to the crumbs and dredge it to get a good solid coating.
  8. Transfer the the coated schnitzels to the platter to set, the continue with the remaining schnitzels. Allow the coating to set for 20 minutes before continuing.
  9. To make the cheese sauce, take a batch of the veloute' sauce we made the other day and add 150g of finely shredded Edam cheese. You can also use any other strong, well matured cheese of your choice.
  10. Whisk the cheese into the hot veloute' until it has started to melt in.
  11. Use your stick blender to smooth the sauce and completely combine the cheese.
  12. Heat a large frying pan over medium high heat and add 50g of butter.
  13. When the butter is bubbling add the first batch of schnitzels.
  14. Fry these for 3 to 4 minutes per side until crisp and golden.
  15. Remove the schnitzels from the pan and continue with the next batch.
  16. Serve the schnitzels immediately drenched with the cheese sauce and the accompaniments of your choice.


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