How to Dry Onions & Make Onion Powder @Whats4Chow

How to Dry Onions

How to Dry Onions & Make Onion Powder @Whats4Chow
Recipe type: Preserving / Vegetable
In today's episode, we're going to be drying or dessicating onions. This is a fantastic way to preserve your onions, and I find that dried onion flakes and onion powder lend a different type of onion flavor to your meals - it is more of a roasted onion flavor as apposed to a regular onion flavor.
  • 2kg / 4.4lb Onions
  • 1-3 Tbs Cornstarch
  • Boiling Water
  1. To start, top, tail, and peel your onions. You can use any cultivar of onion - these are California Brown. Cut the onions into quarters from top to bottom. This is much quicker and easier than chopping the onion, and you lose less volatile oils, and this is where all the flavor is. You will also find that the larger flakes will dry quicker and more evenly than smaller chopped bits that tend to clump together inhibiting the airflow in your dryer.
  2. Place all of the cut onion into a larger non-reactive bowl and cover them with boiling water. Allow this to stand for 3 minutes stirring constantly. This heat softens the membranes between the onion layers and will make the onion layers very easy to separate. This also dilutes some of the acidity resulting in a very mild aroma while drying. This is a major consideration if you're running your food dryer in the house, or worse, in an apartment.
  3. Drain the onions in a large colander, and start packing the onion into your food dryer trays, making sure to separate any layers that did not separate during the heating and stirring process. By placing some of the pieces facing up and others facing down, you will ensure a good airflow through the dryer as a result of the big gaps between the pieces.
  4. Once you're finished packing the onion into the trays, place the lid on top, make sure the lid vents are open and switch on the dryer.
  5. The process can take anywhere from 36 to 72 hours depending on the relative humidity, the moisture content of the onions in the beginning, and mostly, your machine. If you're using a small domestic dryer like this one, then it will take longer. In a larger semi-industrial unit like an Excalibur, it will be much quicker.
  6. This is the result after 3 days, or 72 hours. The onion is bone-dry, and simply crushes into pieces. At this stage, if you want onion flakes, crush them by hand to the size you require, and store. Alternatively, pulse them a few times in your food processor until the desired texture is achieved.
  7. I am going mill my dried onion in my spice grinder to get a fine powder. To do this, place a large handful of the onion into the grinder and zap it a few times to break it down. Add more onion and continue. By adding more and more onion, the grinder blades get the required back-pressure to do their job properly. Continue until the mill is full of powder, empty the machine, and continue with the remaining onion.
  8. As soon as the onion powder comes into contact with the atmosphere it starts to clump, or cake. To prevent this during storage, add 1-3 tablespoons of corn starch to the onion powder and mix it in.
  9. Store the powder in an airtight bottle in a cool place. It will last indefinitely under these conditions.


Molasses and Condensed Milk Fudge Recipe -Unique, Creamy and Smooth Fudge Recipe!

Molasses and Condensed Milk Fudge Recipe LR

Molasses and Condensed Milk Fudge Recipe -Unique, Creamy and Smooth Fudge Recipe!
Recipe type: Confectionery
Cuisine: Universal
Serves: 30
In today's episode, we will be making a batch of smooth, creamy fudge. This fudge is like no other fudge, it is flavored with black strap molasses, giving it a deep rich flavor and aroma, second to none!
  • 1 380g Tin of sweetened condensed milk
  • 100ml Full cream milk
  • 400g Brown sugar
  • 115g Butter
  • 50g Blackstrap molasses
  1. To start, you will need a medium size pot, a wood spoon or spatula, a baking sheet, 2 pieces of baking parchment, a rolling pin, and a candy or infrared thermometer.
  2. for the ingredients you will need a can of sweetened condensed milk, 400g of brown sugar, 115g of butter, 50g of black strap molasses and 100ml of full cream milk.
  3. Place all of the ingredients in the pot over medium high heat and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Bring the pot to a boil, and continue stirring constantly until the ingredients reach a temperature of 113 - 115c or 235-239f. This will take 10-15 minutes.
  4. At this point, remove the pot from the heat and allow it to cool for 5 minutes.
  5. After 5 minutes, start beating the mixture with the wooden spoon. Continue beating for 5-10 minutes until the mixture has lost its shine, and it just starts to come away from the sides and bottom of the pot. If you carry beating any longer, the fudge will end up grainy and crumbly.
  6. Pour the mixture into the lined baking sheet. Cover the mixture with the second piece of parchment, and use your rolling pin to roll the mixture into an even sheet, using the sides of the baking sheet as guides.
  7. Leave this to cool to about 35c or 95f. Use a ruler and a thin blade knife to slice the fudge into neat squares. Allow to cool completely before serving and enjoying.
  8. That's it for today folks, please like, subscribe and share, and we'll see again real soon.
  9. Please subscribe to our channel to receive notifications and updates!


How to Make Icelandic Skyr – Mad Millie’s Icelandic Skyr Kit – Quick and Easy!

Mad Millie's Icelandic Skyr Kit - How to Make Skyr Cream Cheese

How to Make Icelandic Skyr - Mad Millie's Icelandic Skyr Kit - Quick and Easy!
Recipe type: Cheese
Cuisine: Icelandic
It has been some time since we did the unboxing of the Mad Millie range of Do-it-Yourself cheese, yogurt and chocoloate kits, and today we're going to use the Icelandic Skyr kit to make a batch of this delicious soft cheese.

Technically it is recognized as a cheese, but practically it is more akin to yogurt, but with the same nutritional value of a soft cheese. You can make it thick and creamy by using 2% low fat milk, or full cream milk. Today, we’re going to be using the full cream option, or 4% Let’s do a quick recap of what’s in the box…. a full color instruction booklet a one liter glass jar… the other ingredients and equipment are packed inside the jar….

this includes a dairy thermometer with a protective sleeve

the yogurt culture

a large piece of muslin cloth

and a blister pack of rennet tablets

To make a 1 liter batch of Skyr, you will need a sachet of the yoghurt culture and a half tablet of rennet. You will also need to supply a liter of full cream or low fat milk.

To start, dissolve the half tablet of rennet in 30ml of non-chlorinated water.

Pour your milk into the glass jar and heat it in your microwave oven until it reaches 40c or 105f. It is best to do this in short bursts, stirring and checking the temperature after each microwave cycle.

Once you have reached the desired temperature, add the culture, give it a stir, then add the rennet, making sure to stir the rennet again before adding it to the milk. Give it all one final stir to make sure everything is well distributed. Put the lid on the jar and let this stand overnight in a warm place. If you’re in the middle of winter, wrap the jar in a towel, or place it near the heat exchange on your refrigerator.

The following day, this is what you will have… a smooth, creamy yogurt. Place a colander over a bowl and line it with a double layer of the muslin cloth. Pour the Skyr into the muslin and let this drain for anything from 2 to 6 hours, depending on the consistency you want. The longer you drain the cheese, the thicker it will get. I am going to unwrap my batch at the exact halfway time of 4 hours. You will notice that the Skyr cheese is softer than normal store bought cream cheese, however much firmer than yoghurt. Transfer your cheese to a food safe container and put the lid on, or wrap the container with clingwrap. The Skyr will last for around 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Your yield should be around 250 – 300 grams, depending on your draining time.

Check out the link in the description to get your Mad Millie Cheese, Yoghurt and chocolate Kits from

That’s all for today folks, please like, subscribe and share, and we’ll see you again real soon. Check out our website for hundreds of amazing recipes Please subscribe to our channel — thanks!


Still Spirits Air Still – Episode 7 – Distilling Rum from Molasses Part 2 – Home Distilling 101

Still Spirits Air Still Episode 7 - Making Rum part 2

Welcome to episode 7 of our Still Spirits Air Still Series, and Part 2 of Making Rum from Molasses. In this episode we will distill the rum wash, make the cuts, blend the rum and start the aging and oaking process. Spicing the rum to make Captain Morgan Rum, will be covered in a future episode – please subscribe for a heads-up!

You can view the Still Spirits Air Still on the Brewcraft website…

Six Great Christmas Gifting Ideas 2019

Christmas Gifting Ideas 2019

In today’s episode we will look at 6 fantastic Christmas Gifting Ideas that show thought and inspiration. These great gifts are all available from Brewcraft and you can check them out here:…

In the near future I will be demonstrating each kit, and tasting the product. Stay tuned to see just how great they are!

Mad Millie Kefir Kit

Mad Millie Kombucha Kit

Mad Millie Chocolate Kit

Mad Millie Icelandic Skyr Kit

Mad Millie Vegan Cheese Kit

Mad Millie Nut Mylk Kit

Still Spirits Air Still Episode 6 – Making Rum from Molasses Part 1

Still Spirits Air Still Ep6 - Making Rum from Molasses

Still Spirits Air Still Episode 6 - Making Rum from Molasses Part 1
Recipe type: Distilling
Hi and welcome back to our short series on distilling with the Still Spirits Air Still. In this episode we are going to be making rum from black strap molasses. This episode will specifically cover the ingredients required to ferment the wash, and the next episode will cover the distillation and aging of the rum.
  1. For more details on the Still Spirits Air Still go to Brewcraft's website -
  2. Check out our Website
  3. Please subscribe for updates and notifications!


Still Spirits Air Still – Ep. 5 – Whisky from LME Part 2 – Clearing, Distilling, Making Cuts & Aging

How to Make whiskey from LME

Still Spirits Air Still - Ep. 5 - Whisky from LME Part 2 - Clearing, Distilling, Making Cuts & Aging
Recipe type: Distilling
Still Spirits Air Still - Ep. 5 - Whisky from LME Part 2 - Clearing, Distilling, Making Cuts & Aging In the second episode of our whisky from LME video, we will clear the wash, distill the wash demonstrating how to make the cuts, and then prepare the whisky for aging with charred oak. If you missed episode 1 please click here
  • Still Spirits Air Still has proved to be an absolute winner, and is suitable for any home distiller that wants a simple, compact system. You can check out the kit that comes complete from Brewcraft here -
  • Please subscribe to our channel to receive notifications and updates.


Lacto-fermented Hot Sauce – Easy Homemade Tabasco Sauce – Simple Tabasco-Style Chili Sauce

How to Make Tabasco Sauce - Lacto-Fermented Hot Sauce Recipe

Lacto-fermented Hot Sauce - Easy Homemade Tabasco Sauce - Simple Tabasco-Style Chili Sauce
Recipe type: Sauce
Cuisine: American
Follow the simple video instructions to make your own amazing lacto-fermented hot sauce, similar in every respect to the all-time favorite Tabasco sauce.
  • 700g Chillis, stemmed and cleaned
  • 1500ml Water
  • 90ml Non-iodated salt
  • 200-300ml White wine vinegar
  • 7.5ml Sugar per 500ml sauce
  • 2.5ml-5ml Xanthan gum per 500ml sauce
  1. Check out all of our recipes on
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  3. Check out our naturally fermented apple cider vinegar:


Still Spirits Air Still – Episode 4 – How to Make Whisky from Liquid Malt Extract @Whats4Chow

Still Spirits Air Stil Episode 4

Still Spirits Air Still - Episode 4 - How to Make Whisky from Liquid Malt Extract @Whats4Chow
Recipe type: Distilling
In episode 4 of our series on the Still Spirits Air Still, we will taking a detour from using the Still Spirits Turbo Pure Yeast, when we make an all-grain whisky from Liquid Malt Extract. In this episode we will set up the fermentation, and this will be followed in the next episode with the clearing and distilling of the whisky.
  • 3kg Liquid malt extract
  • 1.2kg Sugar
  • 36g Still Spirits Whisky Yeast
  • 10g Yeast activator
  • 10g Yeast nutrient
  • ¼tsp Di-ammonium sulphate
  • 10lt Water
  1. To view episode !:
  2. To view episode 2:
  3. To view episode 3:
  4. To View Episode 5, Part 2 of LME Whisky:
  5. A huge thanks to Brewcraft South Africa for the loan of the Still Spirits Air Still Kit --- you can check it out on their website


Still Spirits Air Still – Episode 3 – Clearing & Distilling Still Spirits Turbo Pure Sugar Wash

Still Spirits - Episode 3 - Clearing & Distilling the Sugar Wash

Still Spirits Air Still – Episode 3 – Clearing & Distilling Still Spirits Turbo Pure Sugar Wash

To view episode 1 of this series:…

To view episode 2 of this series:…

In today’s episode we will clear the Still Spirits Turbo Pure Sugar Wash using the two part clearing kit supplied in the Still Spirits Air Still Kit.
Once cleared, we will proceed with distilling the wash to attain an excellent quality neutral spirit vodka, something that is normally only possible with a reflux column still.
To conclude this episode, we will do an objective taste test of the “vodka” produced using cheap wine, the same product after filtering through carbon, and the superior vodka produced from the Still Spirits Turbo Pure Yeast sugar wash.
Stay tuned for our next episode where we will be fermenting a grain based wash which will produce acetones, aldehydes and volitiles that will need to be removed from the product during the distillation run.
This will be distilled using the Still Spirits Air Still to see just how well it holds up.

You can check the Still Spirits Air Still Kit out here:…

Please like, subscribe and share this video with your family and friends.
You can visit our website for more on distilling, food and drinks at


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The Simple Spring Roll Hack – How to Make Consistently Better Spring Rolls – Spring Roll Recipe

The Simple Spring Roll Hack - How to Make the Best Spring Rolls

The Simple Spring Roll Hack - How to Make Consistently Better Spring Rolls - Spring Roll Recipe
Recipe type: Entree
Cuisine: Chinese
If you have struggled to make spring rolls that are consistent in size and weight, then this video is for you. This simple spring roll hack will have you making professional quality spring rolls in no time at all. Included in the demonstration is the recipe for a classic vegetable spring roll filling.
Recipe for Spring Roll Filling:
  • 600g Shredded Cabbage
  • 300g Carrots cut into matchsticks
  • 150g Chopped onion
  • 50g Ginger, finely chopped
  • 50g Garlic, finely chopped
For the Sauce:
  • 90ml Caster sugar
  • 90ml Rice wine vinegar
  • 60ml Light soy sauce
  • 10ml Cornflour
  1. Inside Dimensions for spring roll filling mold for use with a 225mm square spring roll pastry: (L)120mm x (W)25mm x (H)28mm
  2. Download the CAD .OBJ file here:
  3. If you are using a different size spring roll wrapper, simply scale the mold up or down in size accordingly.
  4. Please check out our website at
  5. Please like, subscribe and share.... every bit helps.... thanks you for watching!


Still Spirits Air Still – Episode 2 – Turbo Pure Yeast Sugar Wash & Super Quick Vodka – @Whats4Chow

Still Spirits Air Still - Episode 2

In the second episode of distilling with the Still Spirits Air Still, we are making a sugar wash using the Still Spirits Turbo Pure yeast that is supplied in the kit. The process is very simple and quick, and will yield a sugar wash of around 15% ABV within 7 days.

After this I will show you the quickest way to get started making vodka with your Air Still. Using this trick, you can be distilling vodka immediately, with no fermentation or waiting time required. The method is totally safe and free from methanol.

Please like, subscribe and share this video with your family and friends. You can visit our website for more on distilling, food and drinks at You can check the Still Spirits Air Still Kit out here:… #stillspirits #stillspiritsairstill #homedistilling #distillingathome #howtodistillalcohol

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