How to Make Sweet Italian Chicken Sausage Patties – Making the Best Burger at Home!

How to Make Sweet Italian Chicken Sausage Patties - Making the Best Burger at Home!
Recipe type: Burgers / Patties / Sausages
Cuisine: Italian
Serves: 8
Burgers are so good that you could almost call them the staple food of the universe. Once in a while a really exceptional burger comes along to prove you have not tasted it all. This patty is one of the really outstanding, super tasty recipes that takes the burger to a whole new level.
  • 800g Chicken fillet
  • 30ml Garlic powder
  • 45ml Dried Italian herb blend
  • 15ml Fennel seed
  • 15ml Coarsely ground black pepper
  • 7.5ml Salt
  • 30ml Oil
  • 30g Butter
  1. To start, cut 800g of chicken breast into cubes.
  2. Place the chicken in a large shallow pan and transfer this to your freezer for 45 to 60 minutes until it is partially frozen.
  3. Measure out 30ml garlic powder, 45ml dried Italian herb blend, 15ml fennel seeds, 15ml coarsely ground black pepper, and 7.5ml salt.
  4. Run the partially frozen chicken through your mincer using a 4mm plate.
  5. Transfer the ground chicken to a large mixing bowl and add all of the dry ingredients.
  6. Mix this thoroughly by hand for about 5 minutes until everything is well combined and the mixture is a uniform color throughout.
  7. To press the patties, place a breadfilm bag over your scale and measure out a 100g portion of the chicken.
  8. Remove the scale and fold the film over the chicken.
  9. Use a flat bottom plate to press the patty to your desired thickness and diameter.
  10. Use you dough scraper to round off any uneven bulges in the patty and smooth it of to an absolutely even thickness.
  11. If you have patty press, go agead and press the patties.
  12. Once again, you can resize the diameter of the patties by pressing them again with a flat plate.
  13. Place 30g butter and 30ml oil in a large pan and heat this over medium high heat.
  14. Add the patties to the pan and fry them for 2 minutes.
  15. Flip the patties and fry for a further 2 minutes.
  16. Flip them again and fry for a further 60 seconds.
  17. And one final flip and another 60 seconds.
  18. Lift the patties from the pan and transfer them to your buns and you're ready to go.


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