How to Make Panko Bread Crumbs at Home – Quick & Easy Panko Bread Crumbs

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How to Make Panko Bread Crumbs at Home - Quick & Easy Panko Bread Crumbs
Recipe type: Bread
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Panko crumbs are a whole different experience in coated deep-fried foods. Today we're publishing 2 episodes, this episode where we're making our own panko crumbs, followed by another episode where we crumb chicken wings and deep-fry them to super-crispy golden perfection.
  • 12 Slices white bread
  1. Take a dozen slices of fresh white bread and trim away the crusts.
  2. You can save the crusts to make regular bread crumbs or croutons.
  3. Cut the trimmed slices into cubes.
  4. Place the cubes of bread into your food processor and zap them until quite fine.
  5. Transfer the crumbs to a large baking tray and bake the in a preheated oven at 100c or 212f for 60 minutes until dry and crispy.
  6. Allow the crumbs to cool and store them in an airtight container until required.
  7. Stay tuned for our next episode to see them in action.


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