Double Surprise Easter Eggs – Easter Special 2016 – How to Make Easter Eggs at Home!!!

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Double Surprise Easter Eggs - Easter Special 2016 - How to Make Easter Eggs at Home!!!
Recipe type: Easter / Chocolate
Easter is just a few days away, so today we're going to make double surprise Easter eggs. You will need 2 different size Easter egg molds. These el cheapo molds work just fine. You can find them at most baking suppliers, and even some kitchen shops.
  • Compound / Cooking dark chocolate
  • Compound / Cooking white chocolate
  • Mini Gummy bears
  • Astros or Smarties
  1. Melt your dark and white chocolate in a double boiler. Pick up a little white chocolate with a teaspoon and shake it back and forward over the smaller mold to create the marbled pattern.
  2. Use a dough scraper to scrape away the over-spray. Place the mold in the refrigerator to set for 5 minutes.
  3. Use tablespoon measure to drop the dark chocolate into both molds.
  4. Lift the smaller mold and tip it to the side and simultaneously rotate the angle of the mold. This will spread the chocolate up to the edge of the mold. Don't be too concerned if the chocolate goes over the edge as you're going to scrape this away with the dough scraper. Once completely coated, turn the mold upside down and drop it on the work surface.
  5. Repeat this process with the larger mold.
  6. Turn the smaller mold back over and scrape away the overrun chocolate. Repeat this with the larger mold.
  7. Place these in the refrigerator for 10 minutes to set. Use the dough scraper to clean up the work surface.
  8. Remove the molds from the refrigerator and proceed to give them another coat of chocolate, turn them upside down and allow them to set briefly.
  9. Scrape away the overrun chocolate and get the molds into the fridge to set.
  10. After the chocolate has set solid, about 15 minutes, remove the molds from the refrigerator and pop the eggs from the mold.
  11. Place a pot into a roasting pan and pour boiling kettle water into the pan. Allow the pot to heat up for a minute. You will also need a bowl of Astros and some mini gummy bears.
  12. Pick up 2 halves of the small egg. Touch the edges of the egg halves on the hot pot for 3 seconds. Fill the one half with Astros and press the two halves together to join.
  13. Pick up two halves of the larger egg and melt the edges on the pot. Place a few of the gummy bears into the one half along with one of the small eggs. Place the other half on top and press gently to seal.
  14. And there you have it, the double surprise Easter egg.


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