How to Cold Smoke Cheese - Cold Smoking Cheese Using Smoke Daddy Cold Smoke Generator!!!
Author: Whats4Chow
Recipe type: Cold Smoking
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How to Cold Smoke Cheese. Cold Smoked Cheese is outstanding, and adds a whole new dimension to anything it is added to, and even better just on its own.
- 500g Mozzarella cheese
- 500g Gouda cheese
- Approx. 3 cups mild smoking wood chips - Apple, Alder, Cherry
- The key to cold smoking is keeping the temperature below 100f or 37c, but preferably below 86f or 30c.
- I am going to smoke a block of commercial mozzarella and a block of gouda. Cut the cheese into 1 inch square lengths.
- Place the cheese on a rack in a roasting tin. Load your smoker up with wood chips. Any of the milder chips like apple, cherry or alder will give a very pleasing result.
- Set the chips alight and place the cheese in the smoker. For a mild result, smoke the cheese for 90 minutes to 2 hours. There is no rule regarding timing. Skamorze, or European smoked mozzarella is smoked for 5 to 7 hours until golden brown, however this heavily smoked cheese is an aquired taste.
- Once you're happy with the color, remove the cheese from the smoker and vacuum pack it or wrap tightly in cling-wrap for at least 24 hours. This gives the aromatic smokey coating time to penetrate the cheese.