Vegetarian & Vegan KFC “Chicken” Strips. Deep-Fried Gluten Strips KFC-Style!!!

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Vegetarian & Vegan KFC "Chicken" Strips. Deep-Fried Gluten Strips KFC-Style!!!
Recipe type: Vegetarian / Vegan
Cuisine: American
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
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Serves: 4-6
Some time ago I did a popular recipe using gluten called mock duck. Today we're going to use gluten to replace the chicken in a vegetarian rendition of KFC chicken tenders.
The Herb & Spice Mix
  • 7.5ml Paprika
  • 5ml Salt
  • 2.5ml Dried sage
  • 2.5ml Garlic powder
  • 2.5ml Dried oregano
  • 2.5ml Cayenne pepper
  • 2.5ml Crushed black pepper
  • 2.5ml Dried basil
  • 2.5ml Dried marjoram
  • 2.5ml Dried coriander leaf
  • 5ml Ground allspice
The Rest...
  • 1 Portion prepared gluten (350g)
  • 1½ Cups All-purpose flour
  • Milk (or substitute for cold vegetable stock)
  1. Flatten the gluten out across a platter. Mill the herbs and spices in your spice mill until fine and pour the powder into a sprinkle bottle. Sprinkle an even coating of the herbs and spices across both sides of the gluten.
  2. Place the gluten in your refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to marinate.
  3. In a bowl combine the flour with the remaining herb and spice mixture. Half fill a second bowl with full cream milk (or cold vegetable stock)
  4. In addition, sprinkle a layer of the seasoned flour over the surface of a large platter. This layer will prevent the coated gluten from sticking to the platter while it sets.
  5. Remove the gluten from your refrigerator and cut it into manageable strips of about an inch in width and 3 to 4 inches in length.
  6. To coat the strips, dip them in the milk (or cold stock), dredge them in the seasoned flour to get a good solid coating, then transfer them to the coated platter to set. Allow the coated strips to set for 20 minutes.
  7. Half fill a wok or pot with oil and heat this to 160c or 320f.
  8. Carefully drop the strips into oil in batches and fry them for 4 to 5 minutes until the are golden. Remove the strips from the oil, drain any excess oil on kitchen paper and serve immediately.


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