Skate Wing Mousse. Superb Seafood Mousse Recipe using Skate Wing Meat.

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Skate Wing Mousse. Superb Seafood Mousse Recipe using Skate Wing Meat.
Recipe type: Seafood / Fish
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
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Serves: 8
Skate wing is one of the most under-rated seafoods. Its superb texture and amazing flavor lends it perfectly to to making the most incredible seafood mousse. This recipe is a catering lifesaver as it can be prepared way ahead of time provided it is refrigerated.
  • 4 Cups / 1kg Skate wing meat, cooked and chopped
  • ½ Cup onion, chopped
  • ½ Cup Tangy mayonnaise
  • ¼ Cup Tomato sauce
  • ¼ Cup Pickled gherkin, chopped
  • Salt and pepper to season
  • 1½ Tbs Gelatin
  • ¼ Cup Cold water
  • 1½ cups Boiling chicken stock
To cook the skate wings
  1. Heat a pan over medium high heat and add 30g butter. When the butter starts to bubble, add the skate wings. Fry these for 3-4 minutes per side, then remove from the pan.
  2. Flake the meat from the center bone and chop the meat into small pieces.
Prepare the gelatin
  1. Mix the gelatin with the cold water, then pour it into the hot stock. Stir until this had dissolved, then place it in your refrigerator to chill.
To continue
  1. In a large mixing bowl combine the chopped skate wing with the onion, pickled gherkin, tomato sauce and mayonnaise. Season with salt and pepper and mix this all together.
  2. When the gelatin mixture is about to set, pour this into the bowl and mix it in thoroughly.
  3. To mold the mousse you will need 8 by 125ml ramekins. Dip a ramekin in water, place a lemon slice into the ramekin, then proceed to fill the ramekin with the mousse, almost to the top.
  4. Continue this process until all 8 ramekins are filled. Place these in your refrigerator for 3 hours until well set.
  5. To serve the mousse, stand the ramekin in hot water for 15 to 20 seconds, lift the ramekin and dry the base, then turn the mousse out onto the serving platter.
  6. Garnish with a little dill and serve immediately.


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