Author: What's-4-Chow
Cuisine: Mexican
Tortillas, or wraps are Mexican bread, and are served with most Mexican meals.
- 1½ cups plain flour
- 1 cup maizemeal
- 1 cup warm water
- Extra flour for dusting
- Sift the maizemeal and flour into a bowl
- Make a well in the center and add the warm water
- Using a flat bladed knife, mix until combined and the dough comes away cleanly from the side of the bowl
- Cover the bowl and rest for 15 minutes
- Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for about 3 minutes until smooth
- Return the dough to the bowl, cover, and rest for a further 15 minutes
- Divide the dough into the required number of portions. Roll out the portions one-by-one until very thin (1mm). Set aside and repeat until all of the portions are rolled
- Keep the unrolled portions moist under a damp tea towel or cling wrap during the rolling process
- Heat a heavy based pan. Dry-fry the tortillas one at a time for 15 to 20 seconds per side.
- Makes 16x20cm / 20x15cm / 40x10cm